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Posts posted by the-riot07

  1. Im sorry if it sounded like i was puting the bulldogs down, that is NOT the case! Just a lil frustrated with the refs and the few brain farts the stangs had. lol The bulldogs did their part and they are not refs so therefore you cant take anything away from them! But we cannot fumble in our own territory and give a good team a short field and you cant have blown coverages against a kid with a good arm! Britton lindsey is an absolute beast and our defense is its usual self! We will be fine! Good game and good luck bulldogs...
  2. I could tell you 100 reasons why nederland won that game and none of them have to do with the players haha. But no way that game should have been that close, wos dominated the whole game. But thats what happens when you leave a team in the game and dont put them away! Some of the wildest officiating calls ive ever seen lol. Never seen a kickoff return blown dead for no reason. And ive never seen a guy catch a pass and land a yard out of bounds and call him in. And ive never seen a highschool player catch a pass and fall then roll into the endzone hahaha but owell its over and on to the next! Good game bulldogs for sticking around. And as for us stangs lets get after it cause if we dont Show up and play 4 solid quarters next week we will be 0-2! Lets not let that happen! haha
  3. hahaha this is a lil crazy how WOS is getting no respect! Ya'll are either crazy or just really hate the mustangs! All we have done the past 5 years is kick the crap out of the bulldogs and now we don't have a chance? haha ok people...Yes vidor did score 2 good touchdown runs, but both of them were scored on the side of the defense with the back up corner was playing. If justin thomas was in the game he would have had a good gain on those runs at best. JT is hands down one of the fastest kids in the state! And when WOS switched to the pistol against vidor it went our favor 20-0! Yeah we work on the I and all but at the end of the day we are going to use the ofense that produces points and wins games! Coach thompson is a smart coach and knows how to win ball games! We will be missing 2 players this week, both on defense but guys will step up and make plays. Stangs by 14 in this one! 21-7.
  4. The mustangs will be fine! Just need to get everyone healthy! Still played without half of our secondary tonight and another member of the secondary went down tonight. Vidor's offense is a tricky one and took a while for the guys to start hitting the right person haha. But the defense settled down and the offense picked up. And from what i seen both teams played the starters throughout, except for the kids who were banged up. I expect vidor to have a good season this year and battle for a playoff spot in 4a. As for the stangs we will be fine and improve every week.
  5. wos won the game half they played 6-0. Our defense played well in the game situation picking off 2 passes. Our offense was ok for who we had. We didnt play our started running back lindsey at all tonight nor did justin thomas play at all. LCM showed a nice passing game at times and had a nice run by cezar early on in the practice form. Both teams looked pretty good for the first scrimmage. The mustang offense is working on alot of new things with the new offense. But will get better every week and be totally different with lindsey in the backfield.
  6. WOS will have a very strong year, this season. im not predicting a state championship but we will be in the talks. We have a very big o-line compared to years past and a very very gifted running back in lindsey who should see 30 carries a game from what ive heard. And a very talented defense led by justin thomas. i predict we make it to atleast the 4th round.
  7. Pantherz your just a sore loser! You lost friday which means your season is OVER so stop talking about football! All your doing is hating on the team that destroyed ya'll! You have no idea what is going to happen in the coming weeks and neither do we...but i know that the mustangs will show up and give a great battle to any team they face! With that being said no way brookshire beats us this week! We will score atleast 35 and no way they give up near that much! We have a very fast a physical defense that doesnt stop until the final whistle blows! And i believe we have a big advantage in the return games as well!

    WOS 35
    BR 14
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