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Kelly Fan

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Everything posted by Kelly Fan

  1. Our starting QB started and threw for 3 touchdowns and our starting RB kicked all night (all six kickoffs were in the endzone with LSU at the game) and played the last offenssive series and scored on only three carries...but Kelly did once again great...cant wait to see them against Sulfur---Go Dawgs!
  2. Watching Donnie Carona kick this past weekend at Bridge City was unbeleivable... every kick-off was into and out of the end-zone and every extra point was straight through going over the scoreboard...i look forward to watch this kid in college... and keep it up Kelly Dawgs!
  3. just wonderin...but how did Kelly after a 49-6 win over bridge city go down??? ???
  4. Congrats to Kelly for bein top in the "LARGE Area"...
  5. So far, who are the leading rushers of the local area and how much???
  6. yup... Donnie Carona is doing a good job in both special teams and running the ball...he was 7-7 in pat's with a 44 yd. punt avg. and ran for 160 yds...not a bad game.. i look forard to see what he does this week
  7. Kelly vs. Hitcock pictures... [Hidden Content]
  8. The Kelly vs. Hitchcock game has been moved from Kelly high School to Babes Zaharias @ 7:30 due to feild conditions. Come out and watch a good game. Any Predictions or comments???
  9. KELLY Kheeston Rhandell- D-End Anthony Fazio- QB Donnie Carona- K/P Dorian Guillary- D-End
  10. yup..he hit a 60 at U of H. and you can watch him at [Hidden Content] It has him at many different competitions included the Nationals in which he placed first in San Antonio
  11. From what i have heard, Kelly's kicker Donnie Carona is looking to go D-1 after this year. My son tells me he is averaging 75 yds. a kick-off and has made up to a 60yd feild goal in practice... i am looking forward to watching him kick this season
  12. YUPP! Kelly came out tonight and really put it to silsbee. I would have to say Kelly controlled almost all of the Game. SCORING: 12-Play Segment Kelly 2 (Carona Interception / Sullivan to Henry TD Pass) Silsbee 0 Live Quarter Kelly 2 (Carona 10yd and 14yd Runs) (2/2 x-pts by Carona) Silsbee 0 Kelly really showed up tonight and proved what they can do. I am excited to watch the upcoming season. This is their year!
  13. just wonderin but is Mills gone??? or just not playin...
  14. From what i have heard Donnie Carona of Kelly has been kicking all over the country this summer being noticed by everybody so i am excited to see what he is going to bring to the speacial teams this year...
  15. Donnie Carona of Kelly had a 78 yd. punt against Bridge City this past season... I got to witness that with my own eyes...He will be a senior next year
  16. im glad to see Kelly on some of ya'lls list...they are going to suprise a lot of people this year...just wait and see
  17. anyhing else anyone has seen or heard?
  18. How is Kelly looking for the 07` season? And who are the top athletes...
  19. Kelly takes it hard to Cathedral this afternoon with a 20-1 slaughter over Cathedral. Cathedral's Nick Christopher gave up two runs in the 1st and was pulled after 2... Kelly's Anthony Fazio started giving up no runs in 3 innings and Charlie Jones coming in for the close giving up only one run. Keep it up Kelly Baseball...
  20. way to work Kelly...Kelly is starting to creak open their shell and become the team they capable of being...Keep up the hard work!
  21. Sean Bean from Kelly is a BEAST!!! He will be attending Trinity in San Antonio to play linebacker for them...
  22. the top seed gets home advatage so we play at Fort Worth Nolan...and NetStalker where did u see the video at...i would like to look at that myself?
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