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Everything posted by allaboutthegame

  1. Coach Bryant met with the team after Coach Starks last decision and told the boys that he thought it would be best if he backed completely away from the team so there would be no distractions. Coach McInnis was never receptive to Coach Bryant. After all, he did not need any help he took a team to state in his first season.
  2. The soap opera known as the 2009 West Sabine Baseball season continues. In a reversal of his decision last week, West Sabine AD Tod Stark reinstated Head Baseball Coach Will McInnis. You have to wonder whether the Administration of this school has a clue what they are doing. Does anyone know whether this came from the Supt, school board, or Stark changing his mind. Whoever is was needs to get a clue, this is the kind of thing that ruins a season, not that baseball is very high on Starks list anyway.
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