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Posts posted by Anafanatic

  1. Aggies won't lose 6 games as that would mean they've gotten worse; and that ain't happening...don't be a hater. 


    Assume for the ASU game to be very similar to the South Carolina game from last season...Ags 48-20


    Assume for the Arkansas game to be not as close as last season's OT game... Ags 42-24


    Ags won't drop 12 passes in the Miss St game again...Ags 41-20


    Ball St & Nevada...well, no explanation needed...



    Texas A&M Aggies 5-0 heading into the bye...mark it down!

  2. Opting for the SEC was still the right move, so there really is no reaping...but good try


    I'll say 8-4 next season...national championship the following season....



    However you want to spin it and going forward, mark my words...A&M will win a national championship in football before Texas does

  3. Kountze won't score as much as they think they will...if it weren't for AP's offense being so stagnant all year I'd say AP has one of, if not the best D's in the district...just on the field too long.


    AP's offense is coming around finally, but probably a tad too late.  Closer than you think folks, however...



    Kountze - 28

    Anahuac - 22


    Prove me wrong AP!!

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