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Everything posted by the TRUTH

  1. Duck, do you even coach anymore, or are you in jail?
  2. IF two starters were really missing, who was it and why?
  3. I love my tigers, but I hate excuses. Holding and blocks in the back are not legal. Good call. If a ball is fumbled on the playing field and then crosses the goal line and goes out of bounds, touchback. Ask our coaches. The film doesn't lie.....it was a good call, touchback. There is no such thing as a perfect officiating crew. The crew did not change the outcome of the game. It was turnovers, which is a legitimate way to win and lose a football game. Our season is not over. Hats off to Kirbyville, it was their year to beat us.
  4. He's 17. He knew he was breaking the law. He was probably selling it to jr. high kids. The world is a better place with thugs like this off the streets. No pity. His teammates are better off without a scumbag drugdealing loser running their offense.
  5. Central 33 BH 12 Weakest 4A district in the state means a short playoff run for the Eagles. 11-0 Barbers Hill lost to Kirbyville in the playoffs last year. They lost to Kirbyville the last two years in the playoffs. Kirbyville is a very small 3A on the verge of going 2A. Central, on the other hand, is a real 4A team with real 4A athletes. There is a big difference b/w Kirbyville and Central. Bad news for the Hill.
  6. I've seen Coldspring twice this year and Kirbyville once against Liberty. Coldspring will not stop Kirbyville. They had 6 hundred something yards of offense against Liberty. They will have that again against a softer Coldspring D. Kirbyville 59 Coldspring 0......same score as last year.
  7. Must be a senior benchwarmer thats never played a down of anything. Go play in the band baby, I hear Kirbyville has a good one. No, the band is too good for you, try out for cheerleader.
  8. Didn't Liberty lose to Hamshire-Fannett, the last place team from the other area 3A district?
  9. No one is missing b/c of grades, and Gut must be a fast healer b/c he's not even limping.
  10. I like Pickle from Dayton. Good football player. The most overrated would be White from Liberty. He is a backpeddler....not good when you are a LB.
  11. How could I forget that? Okay WOS and Newton. Thank you for the correction. Maybe I don't always speak the TRUTH.
  12. This topic makes a lot of sense. What's the purpose of a blog anyway? Is it for everyone on there to agree and not have opinions? If you don't like the controversy, use your little mouse to click on topics about weather and field conditions. That's your right. Quit being a baby, Kosmo. Everyone wants to whine too much.
  13. Oh dry your eyes birdman. If you stayed for the whole game, he wasn't talking about you. He was talking about the fairweather fans that left. I'm pretty sure the hunters would have stayed an extra hour and a half if their team was winning. Whiney butt excuses....makes me want to vomit.
  14. The Wildcats outgained Bridge City in total yards, 445-178, but found themselves in a tight contest through three quarters. From Bmt. Enterprise. Sounds like a romp to me.
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