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Posts posted by #1stangfan

  1. [quote name="Gasilla" post="1020631" timestamp="1308953815"]
    [quote author=griff link=topic=84986.msg1019442#msg1019442 date=1308489607]
    [quote author=NDN79 link=topic=84986.msg1019332#msg1019332 date=1308433927]
    I think that any great coach recognizes what offensive plays and/or schemes work best with the athletes that he has. Coach Thompson has been in this business for a long time, and if he does change the offense, it's because he thinks it will suit the players he has the best.

    Completely agree.  Sometimes coaches will impose a system on a team regardless of whether they have the personnel to run it successfully or not  (WO-S made that mistake in 2001).  I trust Coach Thompson NOT to do that.  Our returning QB (Salter) is better suited for a rushing style offense as opposed to the spread.  Plus, I can see the Mustangs running the spread part-time and make it all work. 

    Griff, from what I hear, there will be a bunch, maybe 100%, "I". I think our line is going to be much bigger this year and will be boasting the state power lifting champ. This might be the reason for the change. I don't think anyone knows better than Cornel what kind of athletes we have so I have faith that whatever offense we're in it's the best one for the team.

    The 2000 offense wasn't flashy but we hung our hat on defense and field position.  I think (not worth much) that since we got our rear handed to us by Ennis in the championship game, our focus had been on a high powered offense rather than the basics.  I think if WOS gets back to defense first, and a ground focused offesne with the ability to throw the ball....it is a recipe for success.  The game is shortened, the D isn't on the field as much; which leads to field position and points on the board.
  2. I am sorry but the whole "drug free zone" is comical.  An illegal drug is an illegal drug..period, the end.  So, in some "zones" it is more illegal than another?  Are you more drunk in one zone than another?  If you are in possession of something illegal, then it is illegal....rather than "hey, it's illegal but this the REALLY illegal zone".
  3. [quote name="Elben1968" post="1013748" timestamp="1306245885"]
    Heck yeah....track coaching is a piece of cake....you don't have to know anything....everyone knows how to come out of the blocks, "jump" a hurdle, develop a workout that trains the kids for their race without overtraining them, how to pass a baton in 3 different relays, how to get kids to show up to RUN!!!!!, anyone can do it....why don't you come out and coach them?  I am sure they will turn all the kids over to you....

    Had I been able to ask the question in person, you could have told by the tone of my voice that I was asking and in jest showing my ignorance to the sport...."Im not trying to be funny but it SEEMS...." because I did have a friend that never practiced but always did well.  Sorry if I offended
  4. I think the WOS coaching change was political from the fan stand point.  Coach Thompson ending up as head coach means a very smooth transition for the WOS players.  He has long been the backbone of the program and that is why there was such an outrcry at even the hint that he might not get the AD/HC position. 

    I think WOS will hold their own against Kville.  I was proud of their effort last year and think the scoreboard will reflect a different outcome this year.  I wish the best for all three programs and hope the transition is smooth for the players sake.
  5. [quote name="Gabe" post="998650" timestamp="1303020419"]
    OK this post will tick alot of you off but I dont care. First, what does it matter? [b]Even if you know the names it dont control who they wil hire.[/b] So what if tony dungy applied? What does that line have any revelance? [b]People have no patience on something they have not a single bit of control over.[/b] And what good does it do for one media outlet to get the list? Its only to say  the dumbest lines on tv or in print ever, "you saw it here first". Mommy is so proud.
    Why does this happen every single time? Thete is a process in place. Let the peopke do their jobs and remember if you dont lije it, get out and vote instead of crying over a keyboard that the big bully superintwndent let you know the applicants. Stop and consider what could happen to a coach whose named is leaked to be interested in another job. Now his school feels disrespected but he didnt even make it to be a finalist. now he possibly loses out on both. Just because some outside media or people in the media truly only doing this to feel important for 10 minutes. Do what you were hired to do Mr. Colbert, make the tough decisions for the district and not worry about pleasing those who really dont know why they are crying

    I would expect a little different take on this from you.  There are countless things that go on that we have no control over but would like more information on.  For example a trial and the jury's verdict.  No, there is nothing we can do about it and there is a process in place.  However, it may be something that hits clost to home and we want to know if the process was followed correctly and use that information to help make up our own mind if the verdict was a victory or an injustice.  Therefore we can get out and vote for a different judge, law changes etc. if we feel the need to do so.  So yes, we would like the media to report it, otherwise the media doesn't serve much of a purpose.  
  6. [quote name="Gasilla" post="997493" timestamp="1302821219"]
    [quote author=Slam14 link=topic=82860.msg997483#msg997483 date=1302819664]
    [quote author=td link=topic=82860.msg997326#msg997326 date=1302799897]
    [quote author=WOSgrad link=topic=82860.msg997278#msg997278 date=1302794035]
    And td, it shouldn't be left to rumor.  Those taxpayers and patrons of Mustangs games, who pay Colbert's salary and will pay the salary of the new coach, have a perfect right to know who this committee is considering as the athletic director of this school district.  The rumors are flying because this committee has made NOTHING known.  Tho public has been given nothing to judge and see whether this committee has chosen the best candidate.

    I'll say this about Erick Guillory, I think he is a snake that is in on this, but at least he been willing to interact with the public on the matter. However, the committee as a whole has failed to act with the "transparency" that was promised by Mr. Colbert.  Until that changes, they themselves are fostering the belief that this is not on the up and up.  

    There is a lot in your statement that I absolutely agree with. I think it would be nice to know who the candidates are also. It's times like this that I feel compelled to hold my tongue just because I'm running for the school board. However, that's not my style. Never has been, never will be. You having a RIGHT to know is absurd. Our only rights are found under the FOI act and no one is begrudging us that. That's like telling a cop he can't give you a ticket because you pay his salary. The public votes on the board, the board hires the Super, he recommends the AD then the board has to approve that decision. What you are wanting to do is micro-manage and that's never a good idea. Don't take what I'm saying as being on a different page as most of yall on here. I just think sometimes we think we are owed more than what we really are. We hire people to do a job. Let's let them do that job. If something is not on the up and up then there is a committee to stop it and if that doesn't happen then there is yet another line of defense and that is the school board that can also stop it. I understand the lack of confidence in the school board but if this thing goes in a different direction than we are all thinking, then there will be not only the Super, but the committee and the school board to hold accountable.


    Place this post in bold letters and delete all the rest in this thread.  


    Well T, you and I usually agree on most things. Even now, I agree with everything you say. I don't feel like it's my "right" to know. However, when Colbert tells the media about this being a "transparent" process, then it turns out to be anything but that. It's going to give people cause for concern.


    I could not agree more.  Colbert made it seem like this was going to be open book but this whole processs has been left to rumor.
  7. [quote name="stang4life" post="997422" timestamp="1302811285"]
    I could not agree with you more on the academics.  Any district's academics are what our kids and parents make of it.  Those of us from WO-S understand (more than anyone else, I think) why our "academics" get a bad rap.  WO-S, until now, have been comparable to other schools.  Historically, we have had a pretty good number of courses that our students could take (co-op) and get college credits and AP courses.  My son graduated in 2007 as Salutatorian and completed his calculus course as an independent study course.  [b]Coach T and our other core coaches pushed him as much as I did, to achieve this goal.[/b]  

    I understand that we may not have the "right" to know who the other four candidates are, but if this was the plan, then I don't understand why "transparency" was ever intertwined in this process by Superintendent Colbert.  

    mustangproud...I don't know who you are, but I will say this... while there might be athletes who are identified in middle school as talented, there are many throughout middle school, 9th, 10th and 11th grades who earn their time on the field, track, court, etc.  It is the coaches' jobs to identify talent and build on it.  Of course, we as parents, want our kids to excel at anything they do, but sometimes...it just doesn't work out that way.  Besides, coaches do not just spend their times developing "talented" kids...probably half of the battle is getting kids "COACHABLE"...that starts at home with parents teaching discipline and respect.

    Very true statement....I never played foootball but I would get dropped off early and I would go to study hall every morning and Coach Thompson, Mark Foreman (awesome person) and other coaches would help me out with homework or study as much as their football players. 
  8. [quote name="td" post="997394" timestamp="1302809161"]
    [quote author=marshman link=topic=82860.msg997382#msg997382 date=1302807139]
    I have been quietly following this thread since I no longer live in Orange and don't have a dog in this fight, however I will say this.  I graduated from WO-S in 1984 when we were still a strong and proud 5A school.  I left Orange in 1989 and joined the service. I haven't lived there since but have always still followed closely the things happening at WO-S and the Orange area.  While I understand the need to accept applications and to interview others, the decision of who the next HC/AD should be should have been decided the day Coach Hooks announced his retirement even though it would have to remain a secret until hiring formalities had been completed. To me it doesn't matter who else applied, the one most deserving for the position is Coach Thompson.  He has been at the heart of Mustang athletics far to long to be passed over.  At one time I would have loved for my sons to have played football at WO-S had I stayed in Orange, but with the direction the school has taken the last 10-15 years I am not so sure about that.  One thing I am sure of however is that I agree with some of the other post that states this decision could effect the complete future of the district.  I could very well see WO-S being a 2A school in the next 3-5 years if the decision is a bad one.  I think most of us will agree that sadly many kids stay in school only to plays sports and successful sports programs will keep them around for that.  And as far as those not playing sports with the recent academic history of WO-S, its not easy to miss the fact a lot of parents would consider moving to other districts close by where a better quality education can be obtained.  Sorry if that last statement angers anyone, and its one I as a grad of WO-S hates to make, but academics there are not the same as when I was there. Sometimes and outsider can see things those involved within cannot.  It is what it is...

    Academics are what you make of them. I'm also a product of WOS and an 84 graduate. All three of my kids go to school at WOS and they are getting a great education. I would put their grades and TAKS scores against anyones. Not saying they would be better just saying that they are comparable to kids at other schools. My wife and I make sure of it.

    That is a very good post.  Education starts at home.  My mother was a teacher at WO-S for many years and as the years passed she got less and less support from parents.

  9. [quote name="kicker" post="995775" timestamp="1302545840"]
    Im with you Johnny. Im not sure if he has a clue of the ramifications if he passes up Cornel. There will be a Mass Exodus from Mustang land. Mr. Colbert could turn this school into 1A with one decision. Like I said before, I have heard nothing but great things about the man. hopefully were all over reacting. Cornell Thompson deserves that job. He IS Mustang football. Look what happened when he left in 99 season. We had one of the worst years ever. He comes back in 2000 and we go to the BIG game. Surely someone with intelect could rationalize that argument, surely. Like I said before, if he doesnt get it, Im gone. Reason being is the respect I have for that man and what he molded us into for adulthood. Put it this way, when I had my first college practice I thought it was a joke. i thought, surley college has to be harder than highschool? HAHA was i mistaken. Even Pro ball was way easier than the WOS program. That dicipline and work ethic that he demands is reason alone to give him the job. Why in the**** are we even having to talk about this??

    Kicker, I didn't think Cornell left in the '99 season.  I thought he left after the 2000 season for three years ('01, '02, '03) and was back in '04.
  10. [quote name="BigWildcat11" post="944924" timestamp="1294540978"]
    [quote author=vhs link=topic=77679.msg944629#msg944629 date=1294510390]
    [quote author=BigWildcat11 link=topic=77679.msg944391#msg944391 date=1294459295]
    My son said that coach Alvarez never left the school during the day and he also said that coach Alvarez has shown no signs of leaving

    Just curious, was this a school day... If so, did your son hang out in the field house all day? or did he go to class
    [/quote]vhs ... Don't know you ... seem like a jack hole though .... my kid was just stating what he saw .... by the way, goes to every class, is an honor student in honor classes .... and a pretty dang good athlete whom Jasper will be seeing ... If jasper gets Alvarez, so be it ... don't talk down about a kid

    I don't think VHS was questioning if you son was an honor student, 5 star athelte or preacher in waiting....he never talked down about him.  He simply implied "how could he know what Alvarez did from the time school started until school ended".
  11. [quote name="LtXPantherZ" post="912483" timestamp="1290124074"]
    LMAO!!!!! So called monster?
    88 points in bi-district playoff game
    Jaxon Shipley- 7th WR in the NATION commited to The University of Texas
    Derek Longoria commited to SMU
    the team is 11-0 and ranked 5th in Texas overall out of 1234 and 5 A lol so like someone else said previously on this thread they should roll past every team from here on out including the state title game which I believe would be against Kirbyville if not them Lorena if not them Coldpring THEN if not all of them WOS, but Brownwood is to much for any of these teams.

    I am not impressed with the 88 points in a bi-district game.  From what I have read they had their starters in and still throwing the ball.  I know they had their "reasons" but other teams could have posted those points in their bi-district game too.  If they continue to do it, then it will get my attention.  With that being said they seem very good but their followers are very arrogant....Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall
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