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Posts posted by #1stangfan

  1. [quote name="kicker" post="1076269" timestamp="1318038238"]
    [b]It's not that our offense is bad[/b] and so on, its that the whole team is just going through the game. It honestly looks like a Thursday walktrough practice. It's not the coaching as some want to blame, its lack of hustle, execution, etc... What in the world? Come on Stangs, come out in the second half and play!

    One TD through 3rd Q....I would say the offense has some issues.
  2. [quote name="kicker" post="1066693" timestamp="1317057874"]
    Ill say it again, CALM DOWN people! I agree with many people on here that some of the Coach T supporters jumped off the wagon because we barely lost to three good teams. I am not a fair weather fan nor ever will be. thompson is the only man for this job. As for the interview, if you have played for him you would know he pulls no punches. He expects a full effort no matter what. If he called out senior leadership, then you better dang know that is the problem. he is a man of his word and his integrity is second to none. [b]Here is the problem...Coach hooks was a political coach, always spoke to the crowd at hand. He was a spokesman per say. Thompson is not, he is a get it done and no excuses type of guy.[/b] Two totally different personalities. Both are great, and both are proven winners. Instead of critisizing and whining, lets band together and support what he is trying to do and that is to create a championship team! True Mustangs dont complain, they take care of business!!!

    I am not worried about the record or the margin in which we have lost.  I think you probably hit the nail on the head for myself.  For as long as I have known Mustang football, I have heard maybe the political response in interviews and the newspaper and not the "cut and dry, take or leave it" interview.  Guess it will take some getting used to.  Us fans are a funny bunch....we hear a coach "sugar coat" things and we think "wonder what he is really thinking".  Then a coach gives it to me straight and its like "now he didnt have to go there".
  3. [quote name="Riding Solo" post="1065578" timestamp="1316915620"]
    Still early guys, give the man a break. District is what matters, WOS played a tough non-district schedule.

    I agree...very tough pre-district schedule.  I just don't think he should have pointed the finger at the kids in a radio interview.  Maybe others will disagree and I will come around on the topic.  My initial reaction is that I am dissapointed....yes in the loss but more so in the post game comments.
  4. You almost don't see NFL coaches call their players out like that.  These are kids.  I understand that he is pissed...rightfully so.  For a team to have 2.5 more yards than their opponent and walk away with zero touchdowns...you should be mad....AT YOUR OC.  They would run to the red zone and start throwing.  I like Coach T but I hope he learns not to throw his players under the bus like he did.  There is a WE in team and it does not stop at the coaching staff.
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