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LCM 83

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About LCM 83

  • Birthday 04/09/1964

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  1. Lumberton looked really good. They were more aggressive then LCM. I think that whole incident with the LCM school did nothing but give lots of motivation to their team. POKED THE BEAR, (Raider). But, honestly Lumberton was the better team by far.
  2. Absolutely no proof anyone from Lumberton done anything. Police are involved and video was taken. Will come out in the future. I'm not saying this is cool, but the profanity that was left was pretty vicious.
  3. I have to agree. LCM was out played. They did not look good at all. Unable to pass and run the ball.
  4. I was extremely surprised by the score. Woodville appears to be pretty tough. Congrats!! I think all my Orange County teams lost except Vidor.
  5. I guess your right, but not gonna do anything if you don't get a 1st down. Lol
  6. Not sure if it would had made a difference. WOS had a time out and then rushed the play. Why not call the timeout. Talk it over and then run the play. Hmmmm not sure what to think.
  7. Looks like LCM @ Kinkaid might be on YouTube tonight.
  8. Well prescribe to this in hopes of watching Orange County games. Gary Stelly (KOGT) does an outstanding job but can't be at everyone of the games. Due to responsibilities at home with my elderly mother living with me, I can't just jump up and go anymore. It was sure nice to hear or watch the games from my home. I did make the first LCM game but was rained out.
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