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Bridge City at Newton Predictions

Newton or Bridge city  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Newton or Bridge city

    • Newton +14
    • Bridge City +14
    • Newton 7 or less
    • Bridge city 7 or less
    • Newton in a blowout
    • Bridge city in a blowout

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Yep ChampionEagles, we went 2-9 last year off a much tougher schedule than the lady birds had last year. If this was the same BC team last year then I would say BC in a blow out over y'all this year. If they have any kind of running game y'all in trouble. Newton defensive line need work and secondary suspect from what I saw. I'm really hoping Kirbyville spank y'all in a dominate fashion considering u taunting them based off the problems and our record last season.
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It's like you wake up in a different world everyday. Your getting as bad as ECBucFan in twisting things around to make poor old Kirbyville look like victims. Your talking completely in circles with no relevance. My basis of judgement is having watched Kirbyville last year at the varsity as well as jr. varsity level and having some football knowledge based on years, not weeks like yours, of having seen numerous games. I know for a fact that a new defense cannot be fully understood and performed with it being implemented this close to the season. Any person cannot play all out while thinking. It has to be instinctual to not be a half step behind. No way do these kids from Kirbyville understand or trust their defensive scheme with it being taught this early. Problems? What problems? Kirbyville didn't have any.
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[quote name="ChampionEagles" post="1254169" timestamp="1346278990"]
It's like you wake up in a different world everyday. Your getting as bad as ECBucFan in twisting things around to make poor old Kirbyville look like victims. Your talking completely in circles with no relevance. My basis of judgement is having watched Kirbyville last year at the varsity as well as jr. varsity level and having some football knowledge based on years, not weeks like yours, of having seen numerous games. I know for a fact that a new defense cannot be fully understood and performed with it being implemented this close to the season. Any person cannot play all out while thinking. It has to be instinctual to not be a half step behind. No way do these kids from Kirbyville understand or trust their defensive scheme with it being taught this early. Problems? What problems? Kirbyville didn't have any.
[/quote] Sir, thats where you WRONG! Kirbyville had all kind of problems last season. First of all our starting qb ended up moving to Ennis, our starting tail back (Burman Irvine) who ran over WOS the yr before ended up getting into some trouble and didnt get to play. Oh yeah, we had Coach Williams as a defensive coordinater who never coached defense, he assisted coach Alavarez on offense...mainly the Qb's. So dont sit here and tell me we didnt have problems....im from Kirbyville YOU KNOW!!
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[quote name="Kvillecats" post="1254428" timestamp="1346299285"]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=102060.msg1254169#msg1254169 date=1346278990]
It's like you wake up in a different world everyday. Your getting as bad as ECBucFan in twisting things around to make poor old Kirbyville look like victims. Your talking completely in circles with no relevance. My basis of judgement is having watched Kirbyville last year at the varsity as well as jr. varsity level and having some football knowledge based on years, not weeks like yours, of having seen numerous games. I know for a fact that a new defense cannot be fully understood and performed with it being implemented this close to the season. Any person cannot play all out while thinking. It has to be instinctual to not be a half step behind. No way do these kids from Kirbyville understand or trust their defensive scheme with it being taught this early. Problems? What problems? Kirbyville didn't have any.
[/quote] Sir, thats where you WRONG! Kirbyville had all kind of problems last season. First of all our starting qb ended up moving to Ennis, our starting tail back (Burman Irvine) who ran over WOS the yr before ended up getting into some trouble and didnt get to play. Oh yeah, we had Coach Williams as a defensive coordinater who never coached defense, he assisted coach Alavarez on offense...mainly the Qb's. So dont sit here and tell me we didnt have problems....im from Kirbyville YOU KNOW!!
Hahaha! Once again I must point out the use of sarcasm and how you don't understand it. How old are you? 12, 13, maybe 14? Kirbyville also had very little talent on the field to go with all those problems. You insist on talking up how much talent and how good that Kirbyville is going to be because you've "seen it". When you can not distinguish sarcasm it makes me believe you have an overall trouble with reality and can not be trusted about anything you've "seen". Good luck to Kirbyville, they're going to need it. :D Newton will be fine by the end of the year. BC game could go either way, but it don't count towards going to playoffs. Newton should win by 14. 8)
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Guest ECBucFan
[quote name="ChampionEagles" post="1254169" timestamp="1346278990"]
It's like you wake up in a different world everyday. Your getting as bad as ECBucFan in twisting things around to make poor old Kirbyville look like victims.

Well, one thing hasn't changed year to year. CE's OBSESSION with me is intact. He goes off on a rant about me a [u]BC[/u] thread. How sad, CE. You need some help there, little fella.  ::)
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[quote name="ECBucFan" post="1254561" timestamp="1346333115"]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=102060.msg1254169#msg1254169 date=1346278990]
It's like you wake up in a different world everyday. Your getting as bad as ECBucFan in twisting things around to make poor old Kirbyville look like victims.

Well, one thing hasn't changed year to year. CE's OBSESSION with me is intact. He goes off on a rant about me a [u]BC[/u] thread. How sad, CE. You need some help there, little fella.  ::)
You call this a rant? Once again your inability to see the truth rears it's ugly head.
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Guest EagleFan01
[quote name="Kvillecatz" post="1254085" timestamp="1346271874"]
bc prolly gonna blow out an rebiuldeng  newton teem

Really who told you how to spell or grammar or did you learn anything from school. Plus you have no idea what you are talking about. Newton is far from a rebuilding year Newton never rebuilds they only reload every year.
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Who cares about grammar on a web forum,  that's like saying I should care about grammar when I Text people. Sorry its just every year with this correct your grammar qrap. You posted the wrong picture in your corner  if you expect people to listen to You about grammar, Newton not really known for there Academics.
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Guest tigersvoice
[quote name="Back2swag" post="1254932" timestamp="1346360652"]
Who cares about grammar on a web forum,  that's like saying I should care about grammar when I Text people. Sorry its just every year with this correct your grammar qrap. You posted the wrong picture in your corner  if you expect people to listen to You about grammar, Newton not really known for there Academics.

If it is a real question and not just rhetoric, then I'll answer - I care!  In my opinion if you know good
grammar, then use it.  If you don't know good grammar
then you are excused.  It's hard on this board or anyplace else to differentiate between those who know and those who are just too lazy to use it.  Usually, those who just don't know can be identified quickly. :)
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