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Wow, what a game between WO-S junior blue and white


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Wow, this game was worth the price of admission. Intensity, kids leaving everything they had on the field. A fabulous, fabulous game. All these kids on both sides are champions. White team, parents, coaches, and kids should feel so proud of the season and the game their kids played. This game should be remember for a long, long time as one of the greatest STJFL games ever. I can tell you one thing, that team will be back and almost impossible to beat next season. Pro teams could take a lesson from how hard fought this game was. White team coaches, here's to you, outstanding job!!!!!!! Let's go blue all the way.

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Looks the the "Blue" will be playing Lumberton White. We will gear it up for Monday at the Middle School. They run the "Snoop Dogg" offense where everybody squats down. They have gotten better at it since they played the jr. "White" team. First of all, HATS OFF to the Jr. White. I don't get on here and say thyings usually, but what a class act on the other side. I think the coaches knew that it was going to be war, that's why I wouldn't have felt too bad either way. I would have been there next week to cheer on my Jr. White to the super bowl victory. I really don't want my son to grow up too fast, but I can't wait until they have the real silver helmets. Once again, this was a great game. Congratulations on a great season to the Jr. White team. Either way it would have came out, there WILL be great representation from the WOS side of things. KJ, you da man... keep on keepin on son. You have a very bright future!

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Thanks for all of the compliments.  We knew coming in that this would be a war.  We knew that we had to stop Dillon, and block Mandel.  We had our moments, but in the end, we did neither of the two consistently.  I am very proud of my boys, they went toe to toe with a very good team, and never quit.  We will be their to support ya'll next week.  Bring home the trophy BLUE.  Good gameplan by the coaches of the Blue team, your boys executed well.  I have heard all year long about your concerns on the O-Line, well today they were the difference makers.  We got no penetration up front, I think that ya'll should be very proud of those guys, because honestly I thought that is were our advantage was.  I knew that ya'll had great skilled players, but saw some problems up front that I thought we could exploit.  Hats off to the coaches for correcting those problems so quickly.  I say it all of the time, as a coach it is your job to make sure that everyone on the team is a better player at the end of the season than they were when they started.  I think that both coaching staffs did a good job making sure that happened.  These boys learned a lot this year, especially how to play with confidence, and be a good sportsman.  That's what it's all about.  Don't get me wrong, the wins are fun too, but if you playing the game the right way, and playing hard and smart, then everyones a winner.  GOOD LUCK JUNIOR BLUE.  Great Game!!!!!!!!!

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I don't know why you call it the snoop dog offense.  We teach the kids very well.  I guess the same offense you teach at the High School is deep snap to #4 to the right and deep snap to #4 to left.  Is that fundamentals>  Besides I thought snoop dog was ya'lls idol

sorry to disappoint you but my idol is my son .. the same one that is on the O-Line and likes to throw smartie pants to the ground.  What number is your son?  Just so he can properly introduce himself to him.

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Thanks for all of the compliments.  We knew coming in that this would be a war.  We knew that we had to stop Dillon, and block Mandel.  We had our moments, but in the end, we did neither of the two consistently.  I am very proud of my boys, they went toe to toe with a very good team, and never quit.  We will be their to support ya'll next week.  Bring home the trophy BLUE.  Good gameplan by the coaches of the Blue team, your boys executed well.  I have heard all year long about your concerns on the O-Line, well today they were the difference makers.  We got no penetration up front, I think that ya'll should be very proud of those guys, because honestly I thought that is were our advantage was.  I knew that ya'll had great skilled players, but saw some problems up front that I though we could exploit.  Hats off to the coaches for correcting those problems so quickly.  I say it all of the time, as a coach it is your job to make sure that everyone on the team is a better player at the end of the season than they were when they started.  I think that both coaching staffs did a good job making sure that happened.  These boys learned a lot this year, especially how to play with confidence, and be a good sportsman.  That's what it's all about.  Don't get me wrong, the wins are fun too, but if you playing the game the right way, and playing hard and smart, then everyones a winner.  GOOD LUCK JUNIOR BLUE.  Great Game!!!!!!!!!

Hey White Team coaches: I was wanting to go out on the field with the boys and shake your hands but I didn't know if that would be appropriate so I will give you all a "cyber handshake" and tell you that your boys played one great game!  I was already hoarse and losing my voice before I even got to the field and now, I barely have a voice at all.  Of course, my kiddos don't mind that but that is another subject ;D

What a team OUR kids will make once they get to high school.  Looking forward to the day they all play together and not against each other.

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I think that was in reference to the nickname that someone else on this board gave it and it kinda stuck. I am sure he meant no disrespect. You sure have not seen any of our games this year if you think that is the ONLY offense we run. We have probably the most diverse offense in the league. We did what we had to do to get past a terrific team. Congrats on your victory over a very tough Kountze team. It should be a fun game. For the record I have seen high schools run what we did today, but I have seen none run yours. I know your very proficient at it and in the end that is all that matters.

I don't know why you call it the snoop dog offense.  We teach the kids very well.  I guess the same offense you teach at the High School is deep snap to #4 to the right and deep snap to #4 to left.  Is that fundamentals> 

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I don't know why you call it the snoop dog offense.  We teach the kids very well.  I guess the same offense you teach at the High School is deep snap to #4 to the right and deep snap to #4 to left.  Is that fundamentals>  Besides I thought snoop dog was ya'lls idol

sorry to disappoint you but my idol is my son .. the same one that is on the O-Line and likes to throw smartie pants to the ground.  What number is your son?  Just so he can properly introduce himself to him.

Hey Mustangs fans....

If you look really closely to the DEMON'S original quote it says and I quote "Besides I thought snoop dog was ya'lls idol" but someone with a little more sense then him or her came back and edited the post.  I don't know exactly what you meant by ya'll idol but I am gonna give you the benefit of doubt and hope that it was a mistake.  Based on my original assumption I have a lot bad thoughts about the type of person that you are and the team that you represent...on and like TXDragon said the deep snap to #4 is what was done to get us where we needed to be IN THE SUPERBOWL....now its your turn to worry about the deep snap to #4, #22, #11, # whoever we want to give the ball to...I hope that you will come back and look at your quote and give yourself and chance to make it better or there are alot of Mustang fans on here that will really let you have it....

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don't know why you call it the snoop dog offense.  We teach the kids very well.  I guess the same offense you teach at the High School is deep snap to #4 to the right and deep snap to #4 to left.  Is that fundamentals>  

Sorry about that "Demons". I really did not mean anything by the comment. I am one of those coaches who think that it is very effective and will be tough to defend. You cannot see who's running the ball, and it works for you. I think that's great! You are in the Super Bowl, and that means something. Your kids beat a very good Kountze team that beat us. This will be a good matchup, and I wish you luck. Like you say, fundamentals have nothing to do with who gets the ball. The other kids have to block, and you have to tackle him. If you can stop #4, then we have other options. Like Dragon said, I did what I thought we had to do as a team to beat another one (along with my other coaches) We will teach the kids the same this week. One thing I will guarantee to you, the "Snoop Dogg" comment was heard in the stands, and that's what I thought it was actually called. So, once again... No offense. As a matter of fact, ask Kevin Boykin what kind of man you are dealing with. I coach "Remo" on my select baseball team. So really, don't read too much at all into the comment. Good Luck this Saturday. See you at Nederland High.

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[move]LET'S GO LIL MUSTANGS[/move]

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Hey Jr1979, I saw your cousin jammin you up after the game for being on the wrong side.  That was funny, you didn't even know that her son was on the other team.  Without a doubt, if it ain't broke don't fix it.  I heard some people in the stands complaining and saying that all they did was this or that, but bottom line is it was our job to stop it, and we didn't.  We can not expect for another team to have mercy on us and stop running their stud, when we can't stop him.  Dillon is a monster, and I enjoy seeing him play.  Everyone talks about his offense, but what impressed me the most was him on defense.  He made nearly every single tackle one on one in the open field in that 3rd quarter when the Blue team took momemtum.  Not taking anything from the rest of the team, but he definitely was their superman.  He and Mandel both.  I want to point out another big play that may have gone unnoticed.  The play when Beebee came all the way across the field from his corner spot, to stop KJ from the game tying touchdown.  KJ had three blockers in front of him against BeeBee, and somehow he still made the tackle.  Outstanding hustle from that young man, he must have had a very good coach last year. LOL. Just Joking.  ;D ;D ;D Big Play though, as Dillon was out of the picture and BeeBee was the last man to beat.

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I coach the Lumberton Junior team and not sure who made comments, but can promise it wasn’t one of our coaches. We are happy to be where we are and look forward to a good game next week with WOS Blue. I don’t want to start this week being off track with stuff that take away from how the teams played and where they’re headed next week. Both Junior teams played an awesome game and deserve their spot in the Super bowl.

Whatever methods we used to get there have worked this year. Nobody should be taking away from either team or even the teams they played to get there. Just being on the field gives the boys fundamentals they need to carry them to the next level. I think things like learning holes and how to block and tackle is the most important thing at this age.

Trash talking is a good thing… but let’s keep it clean and only about the upcoming game. The fact we are getting our boys involved in something good is a testament because there’s surely enough bad stuff out there for them.

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The Snoop Dog reference comes from the fact that he coaches a youth football team and that is the same offense he ran. Therefore, the Snoop Dog reference 11 made was not offensive at all, unlike the one that you made referring him as our "idol". Nice try removing it. Worm you are a better man than I am giving him the benefit of doubt. There is no doubt in my mind what he was saying.

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I shouldn't have let him get me off track. Congrats to the Blue team and the coaches. Yall put together a great game plan and didn't allow us to win the battle where we thought we had a slight advantage. We will be there next weekend to support yall.

It looks like its WOS v. Lumberton in the Peewee and Jr. divisions.

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"Hey Mustangs fans....

If you look really closely to the DEMON'S original quote it says and I quote "Besides I thought snoop dog was ya'lls idol" but someone with a little more sense then him or her came back and edited the post.  "

He/she didn't delete it -- I reported the comment to the moderator last night after I read it and it was gone this morning.  To be so mean and racist is uncalled for and I took a stand against it.  We are a team of both blacks and whites and we play very well together and to make a remark that was, in my opinion, a racist one was uncalled for.

Looking forward to a wonderful game come Saturday.  Hopefully, I will have 100% of my voice back and I will be able to do what I do best - yell GO MUSTANGS!!!!

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It was definitely not meant to offend anyone.  I truly do apologize if it offended you.  If you know me, you know it was taken out of context.  Ask Derick Rivers one of the WOS Mustangs coaches what I'm about.  I was referring to our offense and people saying it does not teach the kids fundamentals.  Again sorry if it offended you.

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I coach the Lumberton Junior team and not sure who made comments, but can promise it wasn’t one of our coaches. We are happy to be where we are and look forward to a good game next week with WOS Blue. I don’t want to start this week being off track with stuff that take away from how the teams played and where they’re headed next week. Both Junior teams played an awesome game and deserve their spot in the Super bowl.

Whatever methods we used to get there have worked this year. Nobody should be taking away from either team or even the teams they played to get there. Just being on the field gives the boys fundamentals they need to carry them to the next level. I think things like learning holes and how to block and tackle is the most important thing at this age.

Trash talking is a good thing… but let’s keep it clean and only about the upcoming game. The fact we are getting our boys involved in something good is a testament because there’s surely enough bad stuff out there for them.

You know what impressed me?  After the game, and our players were leaving the field through the same gate Lumberton players were coming through, I do believe that every coach and parent that was there offered a "good game" to our kids.  I know my husband and I offered a 'good luck" to them on our way out.  We sat in the stands for a while afterwards and were impressed by what we saw.  I'm glad you guys won and look forward to seeing you on the field Saturday.

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It was definitely not meant to offend anyone.  I truly do apologize if it offended you.  If you know me, you know it was taken out of context.  Ask Derick Rivers one of the WOS Mustangs coaches what I'm about.  I was referring to our offense and people saying it does not teach the kids fundamentals.  Again sorry if it offended you.

FYI---Derick Rivers was relieved of his duties as a coach at WO-S in the middle of the baseball season last year.  Don't know how credible that "source" would be....

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Hey Jr1979, I saw your cousin jammin you up after the game for being on the wrong side.  That was funny, you didn't even know that her son was on the other team.  Without a doubt, if it ain't broke don't fix it.  I heard some people in the stands complaining and saying that all they did was this or that, but bottom line is it was our job to stop it, and we didn't.  We can not expect for another team to have mercy on us and stop running their stud, when we can't stop him.  Dillon is a monster, and I enjoy seeing him play.  Everyone talks about his offense, but what impressed me the most was him on defense.  He made nearly every single tackle one on one in the open field in that 3rd quarter when the Blue team took momemtum.  Not taking anything from the rest of the team, but he definitely was their superman.  He and Mandel both.  I want to point out another big play that may have gone unnoticed.  The play when Beebee came all the way across the field from his corner spot, to stop KJ from the game tying touchdown.  KJ had three blockers in front of him against BeeBee, and somehow he still made the tackle.  Outstanding hustle from that young man, he must have had a very good coach last year. LOL. Just Joking.  ;D ;D ;D Big Play though, as Dillon was out of the picture and BeeBee was the last man to beat.


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It was definitely not meant to offend anyone.  I truly do apologize if it offended you.  If you know me, you know it was taken out of context.  Ask Derick Rivers one of the WOS Mustangs coaches what I'm about.  I was referring to our offense and people saying it does not teach the kids fundamentals.  Again sorry if it offended you.

Derick Rivers has been long gone from WOS. You should choose another reference.

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The middle of last baseball season is not a long time.  I only said him because I still see him eating with the WOS coaches at several different places.  Besides I was just giving a person I know that you may know.  Whether he coached 20 yrs ago or just a few months, how does that make him a bad reference.  I think he's a good guy who loves his kids.  I think it was taken out of text is all I was saying.  Good luck to all of the teams this weekend. 

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