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NBA Grades...Mavs with a C+ ???

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NBA Grades...Mavs with a C+ ???

As ever, these grades should not be seen as absolute measurements.

Instead, they are meant to reflect each team's regular-season performance as compared with its preseason potential and expectations. Accordingly, several inferior teams will have higher grades than many superior teams.


Last year's runner-up led the league in wins. But the Mavs and Dirk Nowitzki need to win it all to silence their critics. (Tim Heitman / Getty Images)

No real surprises from the Mavs this season. As a finalist and near-champs, they were supposed to dominate the West, although not quite so completely as they have. Avery Johnson has continued to imbue his players with the kind of in-your-face intensity that marked his own playing career. AJ also made the most of his roster's versatility, and the defense showed some improvement. It remains to be seen if Johnson's well-documented courage under pressure is also contagious.

Should the Mavs fail to win the championship, then their grade will automatically transmute into an F.


The Nuggets came on like gangbusters in the final weeks even though Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony have sequential, rather than synchronous, talents. Steve Blake is another vital addition since he relieves A.I. of much ball-handling responsibility. The explosive scoring of Iverson and Anthony make the Nuggets an especially dangerous foe in the playoffs.

But there's still work to be done on the roster. How far can a ballclub go with essentially a two-man offense and a one-man defense?


The Warriors did play better than anticipated, especially after the trade. They still lack a potent post scorer and a sufficient number of reliable outside shooters. It's inevitable that Golden State be compared to Phoenix. Like the Suns, the Warriors can make a scoreboard flash like a Fourth of July fireworks spectacular. But they lack a Steve Nash-type point guard who's more interested in facilitating than in looking for his own and passing only as a last resort. Also, the Warriors' defense is even worse than the Suns'.

Given Nellie's trickeries and deceits, and given the one-dimensional skills of most of his minions, there's little room for improvement with this particular collection of players.


What with Yao Ming's broken leg and T-Mac's aching back, the Rockets basically stayed aloft because of their defense. Shane Battier set the tone in this department, and was therefore the primary catalyst for the team's surprise success.

This was the best coaching job that Jeff Van Gundy has accomplished during his entire career. Even more so than his leading the Knicks to the finals in the strike-shortened 1998-99 season.


From last season to this season, the Clips have devolved from a marginal conference powerhouse to a team that has to struggle merely to compete for the eighth seed. On too many occasions Elton Brand plays as though he's as old as Sam Cassell. Shaun Livingston, even before his injury, failed to make the next step in his development. Chris Kamen's lack of talent was revealed and exploited. The hassles between Corey Maggette and Mike Dunleavy created confusion, irritation, and distraction — the scars of which still linger. Overall, the Clippers are less than the sum of their parts.

And the question remains: Aside from Cassell, does this team have enough heart to successfully challenge its betters?

Probably not.


The Lakers played over their heads in last season's playoff confrontation with Phoenix. There's simply too much immaturity on and off the court for the Lakers to take fullest advantage of Phil Jackson's coaching. Among the players, Andrew Bynum obviously plays like a teenager, but he also acts like a grade-schooler. Smush Parker has delusions of grandeur. While in the executive suite, Jimmy Buss wasted millions on Vlad-Rad and Brian Cook, and did nothing to bring in a more experienced point guard.

With his shoulder still aching, Lamar Odom's jumper remains in intensive care. Kobe is Kobe, but routine end-game double-teamings have reduced the triangle to Luke Walton's going one-on-one much too often for the Lakers to expect another overachieving playoff season.

The Lakers' miserable execution on offense and defense is a disgrace. The shock on PJ's face while he's forced to watch his team's disgraceful performance tells the whole story.

It's time for Dr. Buss to open up his wallet and reconfigure the team with an influx of talented adults.


Don't blame the departed but unlamented Mike Fratello for the Grizzlies' woes. The roster is loaded with an embarrassing number of inadequate athletes. The bigs are either soft or dumb. There's no leadership at the point. Pau Gasol's absence was no excuse since the Grizz had more than enough time to salvage their season after he returned. Despite being ensconced in the league's outhouse, the Grizz do have some glimmerings of a more civilized future. Gasol is what he is. Mike Miller is a poor man's Kyle Korver (or is it the other way around?). But the team always competed, and hope lives in the spectacularly undomesticated skills of Hakim Warrick, the sprightly talents of Rudy Gay, and the incredible potential of Tarence Kinsey.

After all, things can't get much worse.


The front office, the fans and the media have the same misguided outlook: KG is a superstar and the T-Wolves' perpetual failures are blamed on everybody but him. None of the spare parts seem to fit Garnett's game, and the new guys are just as inadequate as the old guys. Hogwash! As long as Garnett continues to be vastly overrated, the T-Wolves will be toothless.

It's way past time to punch his humongously costly ticket, send Garnett elsewhere, and start from scratch.


The Hornets will just about duplicate last season's win total, yet they've shown signs of coalescing around Chris Paul, David West and the "new" Tyson Chandler, who's finally accepted his offensive limitations. The past despair and future hope generated by the absence of Peja Stojakovic is a pipe dream. That's because Peja doesn't want (and shouldn't get) the ball when an important game is up for grabs, and because his defense is pitiful.

Still, Byron Scott has managed to keep the treadmill moving at an acceptable speed.


The defense is slightly better — but then it couldn't really have gotten any worse. Nash is more than slightly better. Leandro Barbosa is immensely better. Mike D'Antoni has redesigned the offense to keep Amare Stoudemire from having to make sharp spins and putting undue pressure on his surgical knee. And, if his own defense is ridiculously inept, Stoudemire's size and straight-ahead quickness are big pluses.

The lack of power is a holdover problem, as is the short rotation. (Although Barbosa's quantum jump has curtailed Nash's minutes.)

However, the Suns' honor roll grade for the regular season will most likely be trumped by a dunce list grade in the playoffs.


The best thing to happen to the Blazers was for Darius Miles to miss the entire season. The absence of Miles' all-around selfishness allowed Nate McMillian to firmly put his imprimatur on the team with few distractions. McMillian was able to give Brandon Roy a huge amount of responsibility and the rookie not only responded, but thrived. Jarrett Jack proved to be a steadying force. If the second-year point guard doesn't have spectacular talent, he has a good head and a big heart.

Now if only Miles would vanish into oblivion, and if Zach Randolph would grow up, there would be fewer thorns growing in the Rose Garden.


The old guys are too old, the young guys are too young, and Ron Artest is too disruptive. A dull, plodding ball club that doesn't do anything particularly well. Look for Eric Musselman to take the fall.


A grade of C for the first half of the season combined with an A for the stretch run works out to a B.

Pop has his squad peaking at the right time. He smartly saved the legs of his old-timers and didn't blow out his regulars during the preliminary season.

Tim Duncan is still the best player in the league. The Spurs are still the league's smartest team and play the best defense. And Manu Ginobili is still their X-factor. Whenever Ginobili fails to bring his A game, then Pop's grand designs go for naught.


The Sonics only functioned one step below expectations. Blame Bob Hill for yapping too much, pointing too many fingers, and not doing enough coaching. The arrogant Hill is better suited to be a sleazy politician than a third-rate Pat Riley wannabe.

Also, by not settling the point guard position Hill ensured a season's worth of confusion, unhappiness and not-so-secretly nurtured grudges. Then Hill had the audacity to blame the team's misfortunes on the season-ending injury to Robert Swift! The soft, inexperienced, often clumsy, defenseless Robert Swift?

Time for Hill to be shown the nearest exit ASAP.


The league eventually caught up with the lack of runners, jumpers, and creators on the Jazz. But as long as it lasted the flavor was truly tasty.

Andrei Kirilenko bought a house in Salt Lake City, but his game was deported. Carlos Boozer proved he could play effectively while hurting opponents and not himself. Derek Fisher had to use all of his guile and experience to (barely) survive at the shooting guard slot. Utah's lack of overall athleticism put immense pressure on young Deron Williams, and he (along with Boozer and Jerry Sloan) deserve the credit for the team's early- and mid-season syncopations.

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