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  1. I work in a school district in Houston, we do not provide bussing after practices, the parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, are involved enough in their their children's' lives to come pick them up at the appropriate time. The safety argument is entirely weak, Orange is much safer than Houston, and there are plenty of people who will give your child a lift home no body will ever end up walking home. WOCCISD is not a "rich" district as once thought of decades ago, times have changed, economies, chemical row, etc. The fact of the matter is that this is all about wants and needs and when you are cutting a budget, bussing after practices is a WANT not a need. Educating students and spending the money on programs to better educate them to pass the the TAKS test is a NEED. I would like to see parents come to the board meetings and want to discuss their child's education and why he or she is failing the TAKS and SATs. If you do not like being bussed then go to another school district who will bus them home, wait, there are NO OTHER districts who bus children home after practice; it's superfluous, ridiculous, and absolutely discusting to me that so many people are outraged by such petty issues. It is good to be OUTRAGED about your child's education, not a bussing issue, let's fight for them to get tutorial programs and for the parents to work one on one with their precious children. Odds are 0.1% that a child will make a living being a professional sports player. Basically, there are no parents who care, and the ones who do care, wind up caring about the wrong things, sports is an extra curricular ACTIVITY, a reward, for doing well in school, passing classes, and hopefully passing TAKS. Just like with everything else in this tumultuous world what is backwards is now forwards, and what was forwards is now backwards, and it is time to deconstruct, reconstruct, and construct your thinking. Education is first, education changes the world. Even in a low SES district, the one I work in, we have many exemplary schools, it can be done.
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