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Posts posted by Aiden1

  1. Wrapping Fish. You were on Kountze all year long and you see what happened. Can't blame it on Hargraves being hurt either :'(. Kountze was so cocky and now eating crow. The one girl threw her shirt in the stands before the game as if she was an NBA star. Taunting our girls in the game. Kountze coach stomping the floor so hard i though he was going to put a hole in the floor while our girls had the ball. Kounzte fans saying our game Friday was low scroing and not to expect that last night. We play with class and are good and it showed last night. Join the band wagon or get left behind and as far as wrapping the fish, we will have the paper that says we advanced even if we dont win!!!!  :P :P :P :P :P

  2. It is ashamed to see that the rankings did not show Woodville any love all year and even went down in ranking to 18. People said that Woodville took the easy road with their schedule also, but we made it to state again. How can we not get any love after only losing two starters last year and having only 1 senior this year and the rest Jrs. and Sophomore's coming back for next year. I would like to know how they rank. Our girls are hungry and with everyone coming back next year I hope we finally get some love. But o well if not, we will be back again.

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