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Posts posted by raiderpride

  1. i can understand why you would say that RAIDERNATION.   But...After all the ridiculous lumberton subjects I think I have the right to post one myself...  I just think it is interesting. If no one else does so be it...

    you know what i dont like many of the stupid threads about lumberton either but this one is just idiotic, people that pay attention know these things!!!!!, it doesnt matter, those games are over, five more to go, now stop dwelling in things that people could care less about!!!!!! >:(

  2. as a former bulldog myself (now raider lol) K-ville aint up to the tradition of them Dawgs yet, they are building, and building fast and i see them finishin up close to the top this year, maybe even at the top but to stay on topic, its a football game, people get hit, people get hurt, it happens and as long as they are ok then i think its ok to watch it....a few times....in slow motion if it requires it, i laugh at the video of myself getting hurt, you know why?  ITS BECAUSE IM FINE!!!! it didnt end my life it happened and it was over with DEAL WITH IT!!!

  3. i think (i hope) that by now the coaches in 22-4a are takin lumberton a little more serious, they are just proving that hard work, effort, and most of all HEART can win football games, its not all about talent, though it helps, lumberton will win against central, gonna be a great game, people neglect how much the crowd helps in lumberton, there hasnt been an empty friday night seat in Raider Stadium since last year, just wait central, just wait lol ;D

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