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  1. A more odd middle school fan is one who finds it appropriate to attack the success of the kids and say that their accomplishments are less than they are.
  2. I agree Panther Fan. Attacking a successful program for being proud of their accomplishments is uncalled for. Lets all remember that all programs are supposed to be about the kids and their success. To demean that is to tell those kids that hard work and winning doesn't matter to the so called fans out there. Every kid on every winning MMS team deserves to be proud of their accomplishments and proud of their coach for bringing them to that point. When a "fan" thinks it is their right to put that accomplishment down, then he or she is truly what is wrong with the whole thing---not the kids and certainly not Coach Burke.
  3. Wouldn't respect of your coach and the love for playing for him be a "right" enough reason to be on the field?
  4. I think that discipline and work ethic philosophy are important criteria points for the new hire. If the lone criteria is experience, then we may miss the whole boat on this one. The interview process should include all the points in order to find the person able to motivate the team and to win not just compete. Sure kids will play for a winner, but you gotta have the kids first to become a winner. It will be hard for an outsider to come in and rally the troops. Though a petition seems naive, at least we have an interest in the program from the kids again. That's something.....
  5. I just know that last go around we hired the "experienced" coach and all the kids pretty much dropped out of football once they hit high school. I will take a motivator over that any day.
  6. It amazes me that some of us seem to think that they know exactly what LCM needs including have a Coach with so called "experience". I wonder how many of those "experience" supporters have any experience themselves. Let's look at the program and begin at the beginning------before we can have a winning team or even a competitive team, we have to have players. It seems basic to me, but many of you are overlooking the fact that we must have a coach that can bring in the players. You can hire the greatest coach ever, but if they kids don't join the team, you just have a great Coach for appearance sake. If the kids want Coach Burke, and they are willing to jump on board to play for him----then, haven't we already passed a major hurdle that we have faced the past few years?
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