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Everything posted by jeremywf13a

  1. I was very impressed with T.C. and Orange throughout the tournament. I felt like the sportmanship displayed to our team by all the other teams was outstanding. We didn't have any issues. I would also like to say that I really liked the Gilbert kid from Orange. That kid had some surprising power with the bat. He was a lot of fun to watch every time he came up. Also, the Kash kid from T.C. is an amazing ball player both on offense and defense. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the tournament and being around such amazing kids. Every team has plenty to be proud of.
  2. Looking forward to some good games tomorrow. Vidor really woke up with the bats in the 5th and 6th inning against Orange. We had really good defense all game. Hard to stop a bomb over the fence though. That was a great hit by the Orange player. I know that boy was super excited. I am anxious to see who we will play tomorrow. Good luck to all.
  3. We had a good scrimmage last night against Vidor #2. They looked really good and were really hitting the ball hard. Should be some good games tonight.
  4. Here are some pictures of the Vidor #1 vs. T.C. #1 game and Vidor #1 vs. Orange #2 if anyone wants to look. Pinto Tournament Pictures
  5. We have been very impressed with the way Port Arthur has put on this tournament. I know it is not easy and a lot of work goes into it. We have had a great experience and have really enjoyed it so far. I just wanted to say thanks. We are looking forward to some great baseball tonight if we do not get rained out. Go Vidor!!
  6. Looking forward to that game. Should be a lot of fun.
  7. I tried to attach the brackets but it says upload folder full. Message me your e-mail address and I will email it to you.
  8. We are still looking for teams to scrimmage the Vidor All Star 8u Coach Pitch team. Are there any Bridge City or Nederland teams that would like to scrimmage? I believe that is about the only area we have played any teams from. We are interested in any All Star or Select teams. We do have a field to scrimmage on but will also come to your location. If interested please message me or call me at 790-1811.
  9. I was very surprised that our big kid never hit one out of the infield. I am not sure what happened last night. All eight year olds do have their off days though. He really does have a lot of power and could just have easily put everyone of them out of the park. Our hitting was definetly weak last night overall. Everyone of our kids can hit the ball very well. We were just not hitting the hard line drives last night. TC has some big bats too though. Their cleanup hitter is an awesome hitter with lots of power. Everytime he came up I thought it was going to be a homerun.
  10. I agree with Lazeek. Both teams showed plenty of good and bad, and it was definetly fun. Twin County and Vidor are both going to be very strong opponents in the upcoming tournament. Good luck to y'all.
  11. We finally got to scrimmage. It was a good scrimmage with a lot of innings played. We didn't keep score, but it was a lot of fun. Good luck to Twin County this weekend. We look forward to playing y'all again.
  12. I will talk to Lance at practice this evening and see what the plan is.
  13. I sure hope we get to make it up. I was excited to get to see the two teams play each other. It would have been a really good match up.
  14. We still have not decided how we will enter the teams in the tournament. We are waiting on a couple of coach's schedules to be worked out.
  15. I will say that the Pinto All Star team we have this year has the most talent I have seen together in Vidor in the last few years at that age group. I have only seen the last 4 or 5 years though.
  16. Should be a good game tonight. There is a lot of talent this year in the Shetland division.
  17. Does anyone know how the games went last night? I wanted to come see Vidor/Vidor game but was unable to make it.
  18. Thanks for the comment. We had a good tournament this past weekend. We are lucky to have a great group of kids that love to play baseball. Good luck to y'all too.
  19. The Vidor Wolverines are looking for an 8u team to scrimmage before the All Star Tournament. If anyone is interested please message or e-mail me.
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