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Everything posted by RVerde

  1. Which SB team or teams in the area don't allow kids to play other HS sports. I know with Blast Gold we had girls that played VB and BB. We had two mandatory practices a week during the fall and unless their were some schoolwork issues they were required to be there enough to improve their skill level. When softball was in season it had to be the priority. Even during HS softball we had optional practices 2 days a week for them to work on skills that were getting weaker. In the fall when we had exposure tournaments Melissa visited with her HS Basketball coach and told him she had a college exposure tournament to go to and that she had to miss a Saturday BB tournament. The coach new going in that there may be some conflict and agreed to allow this before she joined the team. He knew what her college opportunity was and was very supportive. There are some cases that it is not a good match between player and team but that would usually be because the goals of the 2 don't match. In most cases the player has other priorities and softball is not the one at the top. And there is nothing wrong with that.
  2. Who is making or suggesting that your daughter quit volleyball? The thing I am talking about is making a strong enough year round commitment to be able to compete at the highest possible level and increase the odds of getting to play college softball and chasing that potential. But again only if she wants to. If not, keep doing what you are doing and see where that path takes her. Sounds like you have a great kid that works hard at the things that are important to her and for that she should be proud. If a softball coach is requiring more than she is willing to give all she has to do is pass on the opportunity to play for that coach.
  3. I agree but it goes both ways. Maybe everyone is being defensive. There may be some afraid someone is going to be more successful. We got criticized because we worked to hard and were to hard on kids for a long time. There seems to be a lot of that same sentiment on this board ever since the Shockers decided to put a team together. Those people have not held back their comments but have instead made statements that were critical of a program that is expecting a real strong commitment and work effort. Not everyone but some. It seems as if they would like for this team to not do well. Every coach that has recruited a kid always ask what their commitment to softball is and what is their work effort.
  4. Bag, multi-tasking is life but if you have to make a choice between doing something with your family or taking care of your job I would bet in most cases the job is the priority. Some jobs may not care others might not. It probably depends on the project due at the time. Is it practice or an exposure tournament.
  5. By the way where is BC. Is he laying low protecting his Karma. Trout you might as well speak up because yours is so bad anyway. BLT has to stay away from this because she never argues or complains.
  6. What is the best way for the coach that allows everyone play everything and has to carry 3 or more extra players on the team to have enough players for the fall tournaments. Is it OK to keep those players on the roster and split up the others playing time because you are carrying more players. Will all the players and parents be happy with that or do you cut them after you get the others back. Do you tell them up front that it is just a temp. spot?
  7. Anyone need a book to read tonight. Playing one sport or playing 5 sports doesn't really matter. And how can any club coach force anyone to play just one sport unless it's maybe their own kid and which one is saying you can't play a HS sport. I think I would also take that challenge against the non 1 sport players if it meant they weren't going to work on their game at all. Maybe not next week but if you have a group of girls that are close to each other in raw athletic ability the ones that focused on just one sport would beat the other group more than not. And even if they weren't as good of an athlete or if they couldn't beat the hosses they would still be getting closer to their potential in softball. From the Blast Gold point of view and from what I know about Trout and probably some of the other coaches that is the most important thing. We had some that did play more than 1 sport in HS. At some point some decided to do softball only and were rewarded for those decisions. As for playing for their HS or any other program because they are needed then I would also say that if they are on a club softball team they are needed there also. As a coach if I have a player that is one of the best in the area and she doesn't want to practice but she is still better than anyone else should she still play on game day anyway. There is nothing wrong with girls wanting to cheer, play VB or any other activity. The books are a must for all of them anyway. There is also nothing wrong with a coach requiring more of a commitment than just play in the spring or not being able to do much in the fall. Depends on what the program is trying to accomplish. I believe the criticism you are hearing might be aimed at the assumption that people want to compete at the highest level and if so without a stronger commitment than we have in the Golden Triangle it just isn't going to happen. You can't say you want to but not make the commitment to get it done. And again their is nothing wrong with not wanting to. Another part of this is that hopefully the people that are posting about committing to softball are not trying to just have the best team in the Golden Triangle. They are talking about trying to compete on the national level which is where you are competing for more scholarships and playing time in college. Without trying to offend anyone, we don't have a team in the Golden Triangle that is able to compete at the top at the state level much less the national level. If thats not important to some it may be to others. We should applaud those that are working to correct that not slam them or do things to make them or the girls that want to play for them taboo. If they want to try to be at the top everyone should help clear the way because it will benefit all that want to play college softball. If you want to go to college X and play softball and you can cheer, play VB, run track and anything else you want to do then without any criticism you should play on a team that allows that. If on the other hand you can't play where you want to play without playing for a team that requires more of a commitment, then you and your child have a tough decision to make. Once again you shouldn't be swayed either way by some 1 sport coach that tells you to drop everything else. Nor should someone lead you the other way and make you believe you shouldn't have to give something up to live your dream. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to get what you want. I have watched girls cry when no coach was interested and time was running out. She had chosen to do other things that were more important than softball and when it became important it was almost to late. Also make sure that because 1 girl is living her dream and played everything in HS or on another club sport that everyone can. At the end of it all some wished they would have played more stuff, some with they hadn't and others like it just the way it was. There is in my opinion only 1 right answer and that is "it depends". And once again bold statements stir people's emotion. My dad can beat up your dad, or in this case my daughter is better than yours. I don't believe that to be the motive.
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