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Posts posted by UNLV

  1. [quote name="SgtRey" post="1314423" timestamp="1351591500"]
    Guys, they played SAM...It seems they played a strong 1st qtr...sounds like they lack conditioning... And a lil discipline...if Woodard stays, the smart thing would be to scrub out the coaching staff...see who really fits and COACHES well(anyone can where the title of a coach) with his scheme.  Then u have to double check ur roster....with the classroom performance, and find some disciplined ball game players...not practice studs, not the 6-7 300lb OL kid that breaks all the rules, but the 6-0 280 beast that prays for the DL before each game...and wants to play when he's hurt, but knows when he's injured...the warrior...the Marine...the true Cardinal!
    [/quote]Woodard is doing none of those things. It seems like he is not taking this job seriously. He and his supporters can sit back and use the start-up excuse for years.
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