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Everything posted by footballmomma24

  1. Roughrider, to be honest we are glad that you are not from either of our towns, too. This was an unfortunate incidient that is better left alone by the perfect people of the world like you. I am sure that your perfect town would NEVER let anything like this happen, and that you have never been involved in ANYTHING that would be thought stupid or idiotic. You must work for the news!
  2. The media got just what they wanted out of this...making everyone else look like fools. That is all the media wants to do.
  3. The board rep in BC told me that they were something like $2000.00 per day for the refs for all the games that have to go on on Saturday, so that is why there is admission. He said the admission is $3 for adults, and kids under 12 are free, but kids 12-17 are $2.
  4. Trash talking is not a crime, or assault, but it is still bad sportsmanship. And yes my child does play football, a collision sport, but it does not mean that he needs to talk trash. My child is taught not to talk trash to ANYONE, no matter what the situation is. I have taught my kid to be encouraging to his team mates and keep his mouth shut when it comes to the other team. Yes you can have a sport such as football without trash talking. Lets also keep in mind who did the trash talking here, it wasn't the kids, it was the adults. They also were not speaking of each other with the trash talking, they were talking about the kids which is a whole other issue!
  5. You know, it is just like Fred Durst said in a nice song....It is all a bunch of he said, she said BS. Those from either side will claim they know what happened. You know who knows what happened? The people that committed the crime. I have a child that plays pee wee football, and I am completely miffed at this situation. Testosterone raging, no testosterone at all, from here there or yon, what happened at this game is SAD. Kids were crying, parents were acting VERY IRRESPONSIBLE, and the whole point was forgotten. It is all for the kids. Children are precious. You only have so long to make an impression on them before they start doing what you taught. These kids were very impressionable, and I for one am so upset to see this happen. EVERYONE WAS WRONG. Sin is sin, wether it be murder, or theft of a 25 cent pack of gum, the LORD sees it all the same. No one on earth can say that they have never made a mistake. I do think that there should be some type of punishment made to EVERYONE involved. I also think that those involved should have to admit to their crimes, and they should all have to tell the KIDS what they did was wrong. I know that there was a problem because I was there, my child plays for one of these teams. I was ready to go home and take my kid with me because of the irresponsible actions of ALL OF THE INVOLVED INDIVIDUALS. I am very proud of all of the kids for the way that they handled themselves. They all played an EXCELLENT game, and should all be very proud of themselves. I would like to see there be appropriate security enforced at all games, not just ones where there had been a problem. Maybe this weekend at the playoffs it should be made known to ALL SPECTATORS (coaches, kids, fans, family members, other teams) that there will be a ZERO TOLERANCE for BS and if you feel like starting/causing/continuing some, please go ELSEWHERE to do it because we would like to see GOOD CLEAN PEE WEE FOOTBALL!!!!!
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