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Posts posted by mwm4795

  1. ABNINF. God bless your son I know you are proud my son graduated from Ft Jackson in June so i know you are proud.
    Paintball ab ut the fact most people acted as if they were afraid of orening their mouth you could nd Bam Bam,
    I to was disapointed not only that they left during 1/2 time and 3rd qtr but most peoplke acted like they were afraid to open their mouth the players were incouraging for the croud to get into it but only and hand full that is just like last year in the 2nd round, not much of a home field advantage...
  2. Congrats CS tonight the better team won but every point CS got they had to earn. I can say there was a few calls the refs missed on both sides and some I thank the fat a** ref just called to he didnt have to run. but either way the calls slowed the tempo of the game but did not effect the score. Huffman Played CS heads up and as last year it was a great game. Yes you won but for 4 weeks a 21 pages of thread I had to listen day after day on how cs would not just win but they would have 60 by the end of the second qtr and would score as much as they wanted well my friends that didn't happen,
    Good luck to both teams now lets show the state how strong 22-3a is before they break it up next year.
    and How in the h$ll did Huffman show bad sportsmenship I had dinner after the game with 2 fans from CS and they both had nothing bad to say about the way we played both teams hit hard and polad hard thats football get over it.
  3. Well finaly here.....I can say before the start of the season I never thought we would even be talking about a district Champs spot after loseing 22 senors. Goes to show good coaching I beleave in Huffman and I believe they have the ability for an upset.
    No matter what I pray for a good clean game, nobody gets hurt and it shows chalanges to both teams to prepare them for the playoffs after all How nice would it be for all of us to be in Dallas playing for state in div i and II
    during the season Bigdaddy from CS and me text each other to keep each other informed on our teams and will through the playoffs we are meeting after the game at ihop on 1960 you should join us there.
    GO Falcons and district 22-3A
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