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Everything posted by #44cougardad

  1. We would like to congratulate the Hardin-Jefferson Jr. Hawks on a game well played. Those boys came to play and their victory was well deserved. Everyone on both teams was very respectful of each other before, during, and after the game. We appreciate that as it's not always the case. As adults, we are here for our children. That is probably the reason we get so defensive on this website. So Jr.Horn before you mouth off, you really need to check your facts. We were the ONLY undefeated team in the EASTERN division. We DID deserve that or you wouldn't have felt the need to scout us in the first place. You DO have an “unofficial†loss for this season as we outscored you (in the jamboree) by a number of touchdowns if I recall correctly, and I DO. I take it very personally when you say you were “unimpressed†(one word by the way) with the team. My kid is part of that team, and it seems like you are trash talking the kids. I am the parent of #44 on the Jr. Tackle team. He had an outstanding year and was NOT weak in any sense of the word. He went out with a good attitude and did his best in every game as did all of the kids on our team. It's personal when you talk about my kid. If you'd like to talk about him, call Keith at 289-1004. You won't have the big audience you have here, but you will have the source. I can give you any and all the information regarding him. Our experiences with Lonestar over the past four years have been positive for the most part. There are problems with every organization. If you have a problem/complaint, then go to the source. If you have a problem with something that you have read from one specific person, then perhaps you should address that person only and not "Buna". "Buna" refers to lots of good people. The same goes for every other town. You all are part of this organization. Some of you are the leadership of this organization. Why would you want to have all of this negativity? That isn’t showing good leadership skills or giving Lonestar a good name. Let’s get back to the game of football for the kids.
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