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Everything posted by youmeandthem

  1. This is not the first time I have heard about BC Bing in A Brawl at A little league game. I think It was in 2002 or 2003 A BC man punched A girl on the side lines of A football game Against I think it was Deweyville , But the man got beat down by A lady with an umbrella then he was arrested. The reason I bring this up is maybee BC has A problem keeping there cool At little league games. Does any body else Know of any Brawls Lumberton has ever been involved in at A little league game besides this one.
  2. I put A Thread on here last night so we Deweyville Fans could talk about our football team and its coaches and some one deleted it Please leave this one. I really want to here from the people of Deweyville on the subject of our new coaching staff. I my self do not think any of the seniors or going to play for these coaches next year.Give me your thoughts
  3. Deweyville will not win intill the school board hires A REAL COACH
  4. I am sick and tired of Deweyville coaches.They don't call the right plays they don't set nothing up it seems they don't care. The last game of the season and they don't even practice its as if they don't care how the seniors go out to remember there highschool days on the gridiron. We as the fans feel like the coaches are robbin our kids of a successful season by not putting the kids in the right positions and thinkin that their running a 5a program not wanting kids to play both sides of the ball, as in 2a your best 11 need to be on the field. Remember what our school board told us they hired the ad because hes such a big guy... he has to know football. when does being a big guy constitute to knowing football? I'm so fed up and mad about this situation i cant even think to finish what i have to say.
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