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Posts posted by bmrm

  1. Sorry Coach Wooden, I was under the impression this site was set up for us commonfolk to offer our humble opinion on local sports & teams; obviously I was mistaken.


    My gosh!  Who would have ever known?!  All this time, Coach Sutherland, Coach Lee, and myself....we have thought, game planned, and practiced hours upon end with these kids.....and all along all we had to do was look into the stands and ask and we would have gotten the answers to all of our problems.

    I mean, just think, instead of our crappy 14-4 record we would currently be 18-0 had we just thought to tap into all of the basketball genius that shows up to "support us" every night.

    It all really makes sense now.  The more I read these posts, the more I realize how foolish we have been........seriously, just think:

    As for HJ, I will hold nothing back this time. Pull your heads out of your rearends and start playing ball. You played like you were still at the Nome gym.

    You mean all we had to do was tell them to pull their heads out of their rear ends and we might have won that game? Who would have ever thought that such sage advice could be found so easily and for free?!  WOW!  Perhaps our fans should pull their heads out of their rear ends?

    I've attended a few varsity games this year as well as all the games in the HJ Basketball Marathon

    This is my personal favorite right here......someone who has the answers despite admitting that they have only attended a few games and a tournament.  WOW!!!  Who woulda thunk it?  The coaching staff has been at every practice and every game and they have been unable to solve the problems of what is obviously a sinking program (at least according to these posts).  Yet, we have the solutions from someone who has only been to a few games. What an experience it must be to understand basketball at such a high level that you can attend only a few games and no practices and yet have all the answers to the problems.

    and it is obvious Jarvis, Trey & Jacoby are not going to be able to will this team far into the playoffs.

    ....and the wisdom continues.......it is all starting to add up.......what high school team would really want two players that started on a state championship team and another player who was a key part of the rotation on a regional finalist team to lead them throughout a season.......better yet, what staff or group of players would seriously believe that three guys with that kind of success and experience could lead a team deep into the playoffs.  That thought is absolutely crazy..........no team or coaching staff would ever even consider having three guys like that on their team......there is no way they can lead a team.......again, more pure genius.

    These underclassmen look to be intimidated by their competition & afraid to either take the open shot or drive to the basket & create an open shot for somebody else

    "These underclassmen look to be intimidated by their competition...."  So you believe that our first year varsity players HOPE that someone intimidates them?  You think that these young men want to be unsuccessful when they step on the floor?  You believe that they are truly AFRAID to do something?  What's that old saying....."It's better to be thought an idiot..........than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

    Perhaps the game plan is for the big three to be the focal point of the offense, but in my humble opinion, at some point, somebody else needs to step up & force the opponent to take notice & defend all five players on offense.

    And some more sheer genius here......I mean who would want the three returning best players on the team to be the focal point of the offense?  Seriously, that makes no sense.  I mean when I watch the Boston Celtics it is quite clear that they are trying to get Glen Davis, Brian Scalabrine, and Tony Allen to take the bulk of their shots while Garnett, Pierce, and Allen act as decoys.  Yep, that's how they won a championship.  Never mind that going directly from 9th grade basketball and even JV basketball to the varsity level takes time to adjust......naw, that doesn't factor in at all........especially when there are 8 players that are in that position........I mean, they should all step in and score 10-15 a night right?

    Lots of people may not like the Hawk Hecklers but, I know now why I appreciate them more than ever.  They may get on here and be too arrogant sometimes, or cross the proverbial line with their predictions but, one thing you can ALWAYS count on from them is that they SUPPORT their team WIN or LOSE!  They love their Hawks and just want them to win.  They don't feel compelled to offer coaching advice and they sure as heck don't question players or who can and who can't.  They just want to see HJ victorious.....and that is it.  They root for their team relentlessly and are hurt just as much as the players and coaches when they lose BUT they NEVER EVER berate or question the effort, time, and knowledge of the players and coaches in their program. 

    Perhaps this time, the adults should learn from the kids!

    That right there folks is why i dont worry about my hawkss.. they are in good hands and i expect them to go far this year.. but some of ya'll need to learn to let the coaches COACH... they get paid the big bucks to do it.. If were struggling and still have a 14-4 record i'd say were in good shape... Coach sutherland, coach Davis and Coach Lee keep up the good work..win lose or draw, were behind you every step of the way....

  2. I could not agree more.  I've attended a few varsity games this year as well as all the games in the HJ Basketball Marathon, and it is obvious Jarvis, Trey & Jacoby are not going to be able to will this team far into the playoffs.  As I stated at the end of last year, this team lost a ton of senior leadership, and if these sophomores and first year varsity players don't step up, it's going to be long year for HJ.  These underclassmen look to be intimidated by their competition & afraid to either take the open shot or drive to the basket & create an open shot for somebody else.  Perhaps the game plan is for the big three to be the focal point of the offense, but in my humble opinion, at some point, somebody else needs to step up & force the opponent to take notice & defend all five players on offense.

    My hats off to Lufkin Hudson and their coaching staff. I have heard lots but never seen for myself. All I can say is good ball club and good game.

    As for HJ, I will hold nothing back this time. Pull your heads out of your rearends and start playing ball. You played like you were still at the Nome gym. Boys this is it, for a few of you this will be your last year of roundball. You know the game, stop playing around and start taking care of business.

    This is your year, make it happen. It will not get any easier so start playing ball like you know how to play ball.

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