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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. On 4-7 from Nederland’s of the field, SF did quick kick and return to Nederland 35.
  2. Nederland fumbles but recovers for -8. on 4-11 punts to SF 38
  3. SF went 4 and out. Nederland ball at own 32.
  4. Nederland received kickoff at own 15 and went 3 and out. Point to SF at Nederland 38.
  5. If I am looking at the standings correctly, only two teams at this moment control their own destiny as far as at least a tie for the district championship. Of course a co-champion will determine playoff spots by head to head and then probably point spread. Even if either Silsbee or HF (or both) loses tonight, they still control their own destiny for at least a co-champion spot. Obviously any team can get on a losing streak and wreck their season. At this moment in time however, only two teams in a position that they control. All that to mean, I don’t see the big to do over this article other than locker room material. Would it really matter in this case? I don’t think that HF would take WOS lightly regardless of being undefeated. It isn’t like they have been dominating the world for the last two decade.
  6. It is because the Democrats have no conscience. They might get behind the scenes and argue privately among themselves but when they walk out to vote, it is in lockstep. Basically, they are good players at the game of politics. Everyone knows that politics is a dirty game, and they are simply good at it. Republicans argue among themselves behind closed doors also. They then bring those arguments into the public. They are not shy about airing their arguments and therefore not as good as playing their dirty game as the Democrats. I saw a poll a couple of years ago that had Nancy Pelosi nationally as the most hated politician in America. She had about 27% support and that’s even among Democrats. But she was the Speaker and when the Democrats went to the floor to vote, they typically did so as one. When they made public comments, it was as one. They are simply better at the dirty game. As an example, nationally, the Democrats are absolutely opposed to private gun rights and reducing taxes. They do everything in the courts and votes to try to keep people from possessing firearms and to keep more money coming in. You know however, that the democratic rank and file voters like the people reading this forum, absolutely want to have the ability to purchase whatever firearm they wish and want less taxes out of their paychecks. You will see such comments as (even in this forum), no one is trying to take your guns. That is absolute nonsense, and you can look across the nation and see evidence of it time and time again but it will be denied. So you have the Democrat blue-collar worker who is against much of what the Democratic Party stands nationally or certainly how the party votes in the legislature but they were going to the voting booth and pull the D lever to support the home team. They are better at the game.
  7. The Republicans refuse to accept victory and do everything in their power to shoot themselves in the foot.
  8. But she said that she would register to vote in California before taking office. 🤣
  9. I finally watched it about a week ago. Any interview is one sided but I am fairly sure that most of what he said was correct. Looking at the few minutes of the actual trial and the Dan Patrick response, it seems clear that it was a railroad job. The impeachment process appeared like a cloak and dagger, smoke filled room kind of investigation. “We looked into this with private investigators, who interviewed people who were not under oath, so trust us, vote for impeachment”. He could be guilty but the whole thing appears like one big preconceived scam.
  10. You mean Illya Kuryakin….
  11. A Nederland punt and later fumble recovery has Nederland 1-10 at the WR 37
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