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The Diceman

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Everything posted by The Diceman

  1. Just playing. I do hope Memorial wins tonight! Sterling should be a cake walk for the talented Titans! Sorry, diceman, we don't allow that here. Gotcha! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (Deep drag of cig)
  2. I do hope Memorial wins tonight, dawg! Sterling should be a cake walk for the talented Titans, main!
  3. I'm not drinkin hater-ade dawg! I'm witya brutha from anotha mutha! All dat talent main! 'Morial iz da bomb 2nite! No way we can lose! "There was an ol' lady who lived in a shoe. She had so many kids her uterus fell out! Ohhhhhhhhhh! (deep drag of cigarette)"
  4. Does anybody remember hearing: (please read as the Diceman would speak it) Hey, snapper head! (deep drag of cigarette) I'm talking to yous! (smoke comes out of mouth while talking) You ever hear da one about dat one school that was formed from tree schools... you knows, Lincoln, Austin, and Jefferson... and how everyones said, "Yo! Yo! Yo! I mean main, dawgg, dis iz incredibles! Memorial will be unstoppable after all dees ath-o-letes git-ta-ged-ah, main! 'Morial will win state in 5A, main!" Well, well, well. Tree Blind Mice. C how dey run! Where da bleep are dey going! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! (deep drag of cigarette while wrapping arm around head) What's wrong with Memorial football?
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