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Posts posted by VNUPE

  1. TD< we're cool. I know who you are. I was referring to cooligan. Sorry for that horrible misunderstanding. As for you cooligan, Sir. I am A grown man who does not have time to respond to you. Again I say to you this game is about kids. None of us get paid for this. This kind of nonsense is what caused the brawl over in Lumberton. I can't stop you from quoting but I can ignore you. I really hope you grow up someday. This is the last time I'll respond to you.

  2. TD, stop being a complete jerk. You don't even know the definition of a "stacked team". I wish you would get over that. Everyone was just happy with the fact that we split the teams up. This was the first year we did that. WOS runs a clean progam. I don't know who you pull for, but chances are your team didn't make it. Get over it. Better luck next year.

  3. I'm very proud of WOS Senior White.  With all they have been through this year, with injuries and players quitting, I am happy to see them finally putting it together.  I think that a win next week will get them in the playoffs.  Keep the momentum going.  I think that all WOS fans should be in attendance to root this group on for this final push.  We really need this win so that all of our teams can get in the playoffs, as far as I know all of the other teams has already clinched.  This team lost an absolute stud linebacker and runningback before the season even started.  He moved to Houston.  They also lost their best runningback and possibly the fastest kid in the Senior division to a knee injury about five weeks ago.  They have had terrible luck, but they stuck with it and worked hard and now have a chance to get in the playoffs.  I am happy for them and their coaches.

    I second that BigD. These coaches deserve a lot of credit for not giving up. I know how hard it is to get kids at this level to commit to being dedicated to the team. Coach Steve Harvey and his staff are doing a fine jod. I'm pulling for you guys.
  4. Hey VNUPE, I just love people like you who bow up and shoot off your mouth when you don't realize the damage you just brought to your program. Your point about all the Sr. Blue team being on the Championship team from last year is a violation of the STJFL draft/expansion policy. I was told by one of the Sr. Blue players, before the season started, that you pulled such a stunt and moved all 11 or so players to one team (Sr. Blue).  I believe the rule is when you expand to a second team you can only protect 5 players and the rest have to go back into the draft so the expansion team can have a chance to be competitive. Now, with that being said I will agree your Sr. White is not a bad little team as well, but they didn't all play on the Superbowl team last year and they are no where close to the same talent level as Sr. Blue in my eyes. At any rate, thanks for the info I may just file a protest prior to playing Sr. Blue. Nothing may happen this year, but it is programs like yours that will eventually push the STJFL Board to have a member present during the draft in order to make sure a team isn't stacked.         

    Whatever. If you want to try and beat us with a rule book you go right ahead. These are kids regardless of what rule or stunt you try and pull. If you get your facts straight you'll know that we DID have a draft. Oh, but that's right! you weren't there so you wouldn't know. Know what you're talking about before you speak. Igorance speaks before it gets the facts.

  5. Nederland has a bit of speed themselves....I'd bet it turns out a little differently than jesusfreak thinks.In fact I would say as a whole Nederland black has more team speed plus the fastest individual on the field that day.

    Obviously you haven't seen the WOS senior blue play this year. More speed???? I'll admit those 2 backs you have are probably the best tandem in the league. But the WOS blue all played senior last year. We return the entire offensive and defensive lines, a hard hitting secondary and a wide open offense. No doubt it will be a good game, but I'll have to dissagree on the more speed thing. But games are played on the field. let's wait and see.

  6. Here's the deal...... When it comes to coaches having their kids play the skilled positions they've worked with their children all year long to prepare them for the season. These coaches (dads) are the only ones who volunteer to take time out of their busy schedules to coache your kids when you don't have time. It may be considered a bit of a reward to those dads who take the time to be there to at least try to put their child in a postion where he may help the team win.

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