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Everything posted by 4thand1

  1. My blog was not intended to offend the fans that were there to support our boys. It was posted to bring awareness to the others that were only there for social purposes. You should know if you were there to show your support or there to fill a seat. Lumberton fans should be there to support our team whether we win or lose. By the way I was one of the 200 people on that field congratulating the boys for a job well done. Keep up the good work Raiders!!! Beat those Tigers!
  2. I was proud of the way Lumberton played tonight, but was disappointed in the lack of support from our fans. We owe it to the boys to pay attention to the game. The Raiders had two perfect interceptions and the Lumberton crowed did not even acknowledge that we took control of the ball. The only reaction heard from the stands was that of the Barbers Hill fans booing. We can not expect these boys to go out there week after week and win for us if no one even cares. Please at the next game, bring back the Raider pride that we all had last year and give our boys a chance to show us what they’re made of.
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