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Posts posted by bedelmon

  1. Guys, I've gotta say.... This is good cheap entertainment.... I love reading how some of you come up  with these hypothesis on why you think one team is better than the other..... We are a 4A DII school with 8 guys 6'2" or better, 4 of which are 6'5"... 3 of which are benching 300 or better... That's not including the 6'1" or lower benching almost 300. Dude, I don't care what school you go to or how many years past you have been to a State Championship, keep thinking we don't belong and see where that gets ya...  Congratulations on the big PNG win, we probably couldn't stay in the stadium with those guys.... Whatever, keep dreamin.... HJ will play anyone.....  

  2. Ok so you have made my point for me..... We have not had that stuff for 12 years..... All the years we were a laughing stock... We have always had the athletes, just not someone like Dubois to get the best out of his kids.... You can say last year was a fluke, this year is a fluke, but what about next year and the year after that? What are you going to say then? Whether you or anyone likes it, we are one of the top teams in this area.... Our kids and coaches believe we are the best!!!!

  3. We are not worried about anyone!!!!! If Tatum beats us, then they beat us... We picked a tough schedule to help us get ready for district and the post season.... We are not the same team we were last year.... You have to remember, we have not been on a weight program for the last 12 years..... You remember when you were in school, freshman and sophomore year you started hitting the iron and got real strong real quick? That's where we are... We are bigger and stronger than ever.... LCM has 2 tackles that are committed D-1 and our defense shut them down all but 1 play.... WOS doesn't have the size or strength we have.... You do however, have lots of speed.... I believe we have enough speed to beat you guys this year... We have the size, strength, work ethic, heart, skills, and a plan..... I'll take those over a little more speed any day...

  4. Craig, read your 1st post on this thread.... You set the tone... We just beat a team we were not supposed to and your 1st comment about HJ was negative.... Now your whining we are obnoxious??? You don't know football son.... Say what you want, you got on here looking to piss people off, and it didn't work..... Your actually giving me some cheap entertainment...... Keep talking, Im enjoying this...Sister...

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