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Posts posted by Cats01

  1. Kountze? Kountze? Kountze? ha ha freakin ha...... since when did this school even start playing football?

    Just another hyped community hoping that this is the year that they acually win a few games. Kountze may win this one, they may lose this one...... BUT one thing is for sure Kountze will always...always be a terrible football school. SO please try and be a little more humble, you havent proven yourself to anyone ever! Every dog has there day...... DAY is the key word here.

    GO CATS....

  2. whats the difference in me threatening and you downing our school system and downing slack and his coaching staff. I GEUSS THIS IS WHERE IT ALL LIES -IMO- they are the best set i have seen in my time and can tell you a lot of the town fills the same way. and as for as your earlyer post about competing  at a  state level you cant coach talent. a player like the #5 from tenaha will make any one look good. and me being out of touch with this team i dont think so. i am man enough to say sorry for threatening youit was unclassy like your post were also.

    Apology accepted...... and sorry but I still disagree. I am not attacking ANYONE on a personal level. Forum member or Coach...... When a team loses... you blame the Coaching staff and I personally see flaws...

  3. MR. HICK censored everyone from HD knows who i am so do you dont hide

    sorry buddy i have no idea who you are........ nor do i care.... if you cant handle your emotions and or my opinion about this football team or any other PLEASE refrain from commenting to any of my post. Save yourself the embarrasment. And why would i reveal who i am?  What would be the logic in that? I do respect your compassion for H-D but not for threatening me on a forum. Thats just pathetic.

    Go Cats!!!

  4. Love the Cats, but I knew that Tenaha was going to be to much for us! Maybe next year when we play them at home! The only way in my opinion for the Cats to compete at a state level with the likes of Tenaha is for the school board to stop trying to save a fewber for  bucks and get real coaches to come to H-D! Money talks and when you pay the bottom of the barrell money to coachs (Slack) this will always be the end result. Havent had a top coach in H-D since Copeland left in 99'. Sure, we will probably win District and go to the playoffs like always, then lose in the first round, likes always. But again...until the school board unasses some cash this will always be.   Of course, my opinion............

    this has got to be the stupidst thing said on the computer network. thanks alot now we are all a little bit dumber for reading this post.

    dis haz gots tobe the stupiedest computter talks i ever did have been heard.... we all be dumberer for weading dis postes!! Gow Babkatz !!! lol  redneck hick!!lol

  5. First off buddy, I can have a opinion! You are out of touch with this team because your son probably plays for the Cats! I am not hating on this program. Just know that we could be a better team. I know that Slack loves H-D and his coaching will get better with time. Only believe that these kids are being wronged. And its not just him the rest of his staff is horrid. I have seen alot of potentially great teams come out of H-D, been apart of some of them and its always been the coaching. Thanks for the reply i love to debate!


    Example: He has a few very good recievers. Why doesnt he let Sam throw the ball more? Ground and pound doesnt work with a below average sized O line with very little speed... just a thought..

  6. Love the Cats, but I knew that Tenaha was going to be to much for us! Maybe next year when we play them at home! The only way in my opinion for the Cats to compete at a state level with the likes of Tenaha is for the school board to stop trying to save a few bucks and get real coaches to come to H-D! Money talks and when you pay the bottom of the barrell money to coachs (Slack) this will always be the end result. Havent had a top coach in H-D since Copeland left in 99'. Sure, we will probably win District and go to the playoffs like always, then lose in the first round, likes always. But again...until the school board unasses some cash this will always be.  Of course, my opinion............

  7. I have done a little more research about Tenaha.... My findings is this..... H-D will go down hard in this one..  It seems as though Tenaha has too many player makers and returning starters. I see it being somewhat close in the first half, but Slacks lack of experience and the distance in which the Cats have to travel for this game will finally take there toll.  Sorry Cats I love you but Tenaha 31 Cats 6!!

  8. I wonder how last year's Hardin team matches up with this years HD team?

    IMO its a no brainer...But then again its this year and not last year  the fact is HD won this one.. Just need 2 suck it up 4 a year and then next year go out and take it back and believe me next year it will happen. HD is gonna fall off for a while in this rivalry just wait and see. Hardin has great talent and will only get better!

    The Problem with Hardin is that they have always lived in the future. "One day we will be better that H-D" they say!! It was like that when I was there and will always be that way! Hardin just doesnt understand that the Cats havent just recently been on top, we created the top back in the 30's and it has been that way for the most part ever since. Thats why when Hardin, West Hardin and the like actually do beat us its a huge win for there program! If H-D loses to one of these two teams they are a disgrace and are harshly frowned upon by the community! Harsh but true! Hardin will always play second fiddle to H-D so please get over yourself!

    Heres to another DISTRICT TITLE in 08'          Go Cats!

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