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Everything posted by 92

  1. The O-Line just needs to do their job and block... If they give the QB some time then i think they'll be decent.
  2. i think he was confirming my post... not 100% though, but im pretty sure its Saturday.
  3. lol? Scrimmage or not, they still played each other. the competition was there.
  4. The Scrimmage WILL be this Saturday. from what im understanding.
  5. well hopefully the O-Line comes around... many many times i noticed that there were open receivers but the QB was busy running for his life... and i seriously doubt that BC will get out of the spread, give it a little longer and i think it will work out for them... i look forward to watching their season.
  6. AND if what your saying is true then you'd give them the credit they deserve... scrimmage or not, they played good. BC O-Line needs a lot more work, but with a steady improvement with the rest of their game i think they WILL do great.
  7. well i did see a defender hit HIM. maybe didn't touch the football but that doesn't need to happen if he gets hit. same thing happen when they ran for about 15 yards, got to the 25 or 30 and went to run someone over and didn't secure the football and he fumbled it.
  8. here you go 92.. this is my first post. maybe you should read it too? and the reason we didn't score 5+ touchdowns is because we had 1 fumble inside the 5. and 1 inside the 15. both unforced. like you said, mistakes that will be fixed. but its hard to believe that many rushing plays of 10+ yards is a "simple error" by the BC defense. you also need to give credit where credit is due. lumbertons left tackle is going division 1, lumbertons left guard may also go division one, our center started 4 or 5 games last year on a VERY good offensive line. and our right tackle ways close to 300 pounds. can't the fact that our run plays went 10+ yards just about every carry be because we have a VERY GOOD offensive line, instead of a "simple error?" i was at the game, and the one inside the 5 was "forced"... when a defender hits the ball carrier and the ball pops out, that would be a forced fumble... never said every play was a simple error that needed to be fixed... said the 2 big plays they did have was of simple error... NOT every play of the game... seems to me that you just dont care for bridge city much at all and are willing to bash BC instead of giving them credit for their improvement... and congratz to the center and left guard... as i said before both teams played good. cant take that from them.
  9. Why wasn't Lumberton's Runningback running 60 70 yard runs every play then?? It doesn't matter if your running the base of all base of your offense If B.C.'s Defense relay Sucked he would have did that every play of the game and it would have been a repeat dude, go read your friends posts from BRIDGE CITY. even THEY said that almost every run for lumberton went for 10+ yards! now i'm not football coach or anything, but you don't really need 80+ yard rushes, when your gettin a first down EVERY play now do you? yeah, don't think so. and, if you wanna get smart about it, like WTB said.. they both DID have rushes of 40-50+ so.. then WHY did they not have more that just 2 TDs??? if your going to get a First Down EVERY play then please explain to me how they didn't have atleast 5 TD's... yes they had 2 big plays. but it wasn't because they were "manhandling" the defense... it was just simple error that will be fixed.... was the first scrimmage, they did A LOT better than i expected... and please read my first post to all this... you HAVE to give credit where credit is due... Do NOT try and bring down a team that is giving it their all... i feel that BC will make a lot of people eat their words... keep up the hard work guys!
  10. Ya i think So, Was it 14 to 7?? i call that staying with someone it is what it is a scrimmage! hey, here's an idea... how about giving credit where credit is due??? Scrimmage OR not, both BC and Lumberton played good. NOT saying both sides of the ball are flawless, but is there a team that ever is "flawless"??? both sides gave it their all. Good Job Guys! Well said...I did hear that BC's D was a little scrappy though. Way better than last year when the Raiders played them. BC's D was doing real good compared to the last time these two teams met. They actually have some linebackers that are willing to step up. The Linebackers and D-Line seem like they wanna hit somebody. 48-7 to a 14-7... thats a huge improvement! BC's offense has a lot of work to do, as does their defense, but they are improving and i cant wait to watch them throughout the season!!!
  11. Ya i think So, Was it 14 to 7?? i call that staying with someone it is what it is a scrimmage! hey, here's an idea... how about giving credit where credit is due??? Scrimmage OR not, both BC and Lumberton played good. NOT saying both sides of the ball are flawless, but is there a team that ever is "flawless"??? both sides gave it their all. Good Job Guys!
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