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Everything posted by BCparent

  1. Actually lucky for him.....it may have been the best thing for him...so you are saying the BAD ONES that need to be talked about are the ones that get caught??? I feel sorry for the other students who DON"T get caught...they are allowed to continue in the life of crime and deceit......
  2. Boy typical parent, turning the blind eye to what kids do these days do......you will learn really fast....I graduated from BC and they are not the only ones screwing up! They are the ones that get noticed because we are considered the "goody two shoes" people who don't allow "thugs and such" in our schools therefore when one of our kids get caught with something, then they get talked about because everyone likes to hear it about BC.....talk to the kid who plead guilty and I bet $$ he was selling to all the other schools as well......I don't know the other kids in the other schools personally, I just I not one of those blind parents!! I take care of my child and check on him with his activities because I know kids these days are into everything at least once!
  3. AND MY FRIEND STERIODS IS VERY REASONABLY PRICED!!! So the only "rich kids" can afford it is stupid on your part!!! In fact the "lower income kids" are MORE likely to use it because they HAVE to get as scholarship in order to go to college.....and they can get it just the same....wake up and smell the coffee....it is used in EVERY school and the kids will tell you!!
  4. What everyone doesn't understand is that this drug is very, very common in ALLLLL the schools in this area...I mean EVERY school in this area has At LEAST 5 players(lumping all the sports together) who are taking this stuff...this problem is just as common as kids drinking.....DON'T SAY BC THIS AND BC THAT.....the DECLINE one of you was talking about is due to the team being very very young...most all of the players were soph and juniors playing seniors who have played for a long time...there is a tremendous jump in size and things between junior and senior year...and not to mention there is a BIG difference in playing JV and playing Friday night football......so lets look at what these young boys did and didn't give up while listening to everone's crap last year.
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