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Posts posted by bd04

  1. 1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

    I struggled with writing this post since the Train played Wheatley last year in the playoffs. This year’s game setting was very similar to last year. The opponent, Wheatley, with good sized kids and athletic ability made a horrible showing. Not just on the field, but in the sidelines, in the stands, everywhere you looked in their direction. The band. More like the size of a garage band than a school band (helluva loud drummer and cymbal player though). I’d be stretching the truth to say there were a dozen kids in their band. Even less were the number of cheerleaders. No drill team, twirlers, flag corps, etc. to be seen. Parents/Fans probably were fewer than 2 dozen. And their coaches - good lord. They should be ashamed to take their paycheck. They should be ashamed for the product they’re turning out. They should be put in jail for both stealing and child neglect. It was sickening. I felt bad for those athletes and the other kids (band, cheerleaders, etc) that it actually took some of the fun out of the game for me personally. This topic could actually spawn hundreds of pages, but I’ll leave it at this... Kids, parents, coaches, community, be thankful for what you have. I know we all like to come on here and piss and moan (me included) about play calling or down years or so many other real issues that need addressed. But I thank God my kids never had to experience the downright negligence that the Wheatley school and community has dealt out to those kids. It’s about as disgusting thing as I have seen. I literally prayed for those boys on my way home last night. 

    Great post. I was there as well and really thought Wheatley had good size and pretty good speed and could have probably done a whole lot more had they of been better disciplined and coached. Also the  size of the team as far as numbers was small . More like a 2 A school. And the  poor QB didn’t seem to know what he was doing . His passes were all over the place . They were scattered and that reflects bad coaching. 

  2. Just now, Amphibious Rodent said:

    I'm from Newton and I agree. Not blaming the players. I believe you should hold adults accountable. I still say Newton has the best athletes in the state. 3AD2

    Me too man. I Don’t live their anymore but I was born and raised there and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a first round game where our D gave up points like this

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