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Everything posted by wos1980

  1. I will agree with a little of both explanations!! Though I don't think that WOS has ever had 2,000 students, I know that is has had over 1,600 in the late 1970's. I can't explain the number in the town and the number in the school, because it just doesn't add up. I do believe the leadership at certain campuses in the district are sketchy, and that is not based on what I hear but based on what I have observed the last few years. I went to a campus in the district last year to pick up a family member when I encountered what appeared to be a one principle cursing down the hallway at a student. The guy did not look much older than one of the students and had visisble tatoos on his arm, very unprofessional!! I then encountered another principle who just walked by and never even acknowledged that there was a situation. I later found out this man was in charge of the entire campus! I do believe that both could explain why the enrollment has dropped, but I personally think that there are several kids that live in the WOS district and attend other schools.
  2. As an older Mustang I can't understand why the enrollment has dropped so drastically over the last several years? Can anyone tell me how a small 5A school can end up a small 3A school in a matter of 20 years? What is even more amazing is that if you were to sit in the stands at the football games you can not really tell that much of a difference in what the crowds used to be and what they are now. I know that you very rarely here good things about the school district in general except for athletics, but what is really happening at my old alma mater???
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