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Cheif Choctaw

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Everything posted by Cheif Choctaw

  1. Orangefield vs Rudder Rained out tonight 1 gamer high noon sat
  2. How can this be all Hardin Conty Team HJ is partially in Jefferson County and Hardin is located in Liberty County not Hardin County.
  3. I would first like to take this time to show great appreciation and gratitude to the classiest group of young men and coaches around. This has been a great season. These guys have brought more pride to Buna High School in the last 2 years then anyone can imagine. They have a 2 year combined total record of 44 wins and 14 losses, a playoff record of 12-4 over the last 2 years, and with the experience returning, one could only expect more success next year. Thank you men and young men for a great ride in the 2008 baseball season. I would also like to thank the great fans that support the Cougar baseball program. I know from my coaching background that there are those that will always second guess a coaches decision; this is easy when there is already an outcome. I personally know how much thought and preparation Coach Terrier puts on every decision that he makes regarding these young men. He has taught them way more than just baseball over his teaching and coaching career. I know that some out there think that young Hillin was running out of steam as some would say, but he has gotten out of the same jams on numerous occasions during the playoffs. A pitch count was kept and even in the seventh inning he was throwing 83 - 85 mph. This young man has done wonderful things throughout the year and neither him nor his coach should have to read things about how in some people's opinions they cost the Cougars the game. These young men play with great character and heart and I am awfully proud of them. I think that everyone should be supporting them Win, Lose, or Draw not commenting on what could've, should've, would've happened. What happened came about because it was God's will and I would like to challenge all of you to take time to tell the players and coaches you are proud of them and what they have done for Buna High School.
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