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Everything posted by Imacat2

  1. Whats up 07. Should have been at the LC/ Brenham series. I know you guys can hit, but yikes, Brenham can hit, top to bottom. I met some very nice gentlemen from Brenham whom I talked to for 5 innings during game 3. After reading what you said about talking to some friends from Brenham, I feel a need to respond. From our side it was the same group of dads trying to rattle the pitchers. Believe it or not, there was no harping at the umpires. I think both sides will agree that the umpires were in control in all 3 games and did a great job.I'm sure if you call your friend back, they will not deny that they had their share of ugly fans. The group of young men who entered the stadium with air horns blasting and for 2 games hollered at the coaches and players using a megaphone, were just as bad. Maybe not in their eyes, but sure enough in ours. I think both sides got a bad rap for a few bad apples. A few go wrong and everyone gets blamed. No one from the Brenham side seemed to care when the kids with the horn were calling our 1st base coach fat a** or umpa-lumpa every time he called out signals to the players. They also made sure they harassed Randal Grichuk all game in left field. The 2 that struck home for me was as my wife, daughter, and I were leaving the parking lot, I noticed the boys making all of the noise were waiting where the bus was heading out, and I knew why they were there. My first mistake was telling my wife something was going down so she wanted to get closer to hear what they had to say. She couldn't hear what they said or what our boys may have said, but I think she responded because of the comments about our 1st base coach. All she said was, aren't we a little old to be name calling. Their response was real classy. Shut up you ugly old hag.First off I don't think 54 is old, and she ain't ugly. Also one of the moms shot the finger at the boys after they passed by. So here it is , this debate could go on forever. As I mentioned in a post in our series with your guys, don't let everyone get blamed for the doings of a few. I will be keeping an eye on PNG next season to see the progress of the up and coming young stars you have. I know it's a long way off, but good luck next year !!!!!
  2. It is sad. I am one of the LC parents and I apologize if my anger at the plate umpire in game 2 seemed as a shot at anyone from PNG. We all hear different stories as to what went down at the plate. Who knows what was said. We heard the letters b.s. were used. Not the actual words. Regardless, the batter shouldn't have said anything.Yes we were mad he got kicked out, but don't you think #5 should have gotten the same treatment in game 1 for a blatant slide into the shortstop. That is why both players were called out. I'm sure that is what spilled over to the next game when our player got tossed.In our way of thinking, should an umpire that shakes hands with the opposing teams players before game 1 and puts his finger to his lips to tell someone in the stands to shush it, should be allowed to call a game behind the plate in game 2. Even the camera man, who we don't have a clue who he is, said he has never seen such a one sided game in all of his years of filming high school games. I agree a lot of the things I heard from our side of the field we childish and uncalled for. Here our 3 items you may not be aware of. Game 1 - When the shortstop was taken out in game 1, I heard one of the moms from PNG say, I don't know what the big deal is, he should have gotten out of the way.REAL CLASSY. Game 3 - The starting pitchers mom in game 3 threw her drink on the father of the boy who led off the game with a homerun. REAL CLASSY. Now that I have that off of my chest, I just want to say you have one heck of a good baseball team. You have some very talented players coming back and some young and great pitchers. The seniors you are losing will do great in college ball. I hope we meet again next year and it will become a rivalry, but not a bitter one.My son pitched game 1 and if you know of anything he said or did I would like to know because he knows I won't tolerate it.By the way, #8's mom is one heck of a great lady.She went out of her way to look up my son between games 2&3 to talk to him. You probably won't see that too often. Once again I apoligize if I offended anyone but remember to stop and listen to what comes from your own side of the field sometime and realize what may sound funny to you, may actually be a slam against your opponent. Good luck in the future and GOD BLESS.
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