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Everything posted by rickvaughn

  1. Why even say it. It's not fun anymore. What if this was you on the message board everyone was making jokes of. So just stop with all the comments.
  2. Whatever...I know for a fact he was offered the job... But that is here are there..that is bc wiggling their way out of getting bad hype. I know kyle is very happy for chad...congrats to him!!
  3. EASYNOW...you are just rude! You must got something against coach green
  4. My opinion....Things to conisder... on why this is just not an overnight decision for coach green.....to the ones that think its just so easy (because its not their job). 1. Contracts involved 2. salaries 3. U.I.L. 4. football responsibilties 5. facilities 6. Coach Bryant still being on campus. 7. Dirty politics at bc (from what everyone says) 8. Friendships List goes on and on. Its not that he doesn't want the job at bc. Because if he does make that decision to go....he will put 150% into that job and work his heart out. He did for us. Coach Green is the type of coach that his whole heart goes into it. He lives and breathes the game. He has taught us so much about the game to love the game, respect the game along with loving ourselves and respecting ourselves. He has taught us to never give up and just about life. He is a very very hard coach....but appreciate everything he has done for us. So this is huge decision for him. Why can't everyone keep their rude opinions to theirselves.
  5. Tell me what is so unprofessional? I am a little confused on what the hurry is? It's June 22nd 2008....and baseball starts...when? January 2009?
  6. Question...why is this honestly hurting ya'll??? What is the big deal? It's not like baseball season is starting tmo! Is this decision affecting your paycheck or something? Have you applied for the job? What's the deal? Am I missing something? ???
  7. Ya know easynow and this also applies to alot of people on this message board...before you start popping off... try to find out the TRUTH what's going on. Hate to bust anyone's bubble....but none of ya'll do. There is so much stuff to it. You just think ya'll know...but ya'll don't.
  8. I guess the problem that i see....bottom line is..... why have UIL rules....if we don't have to abide by them? ??? It's obvious what they are doing.....their field was for sure ready to play today. Dry to the bone!!
  9. Mine understanding is that when a baseball game is rained out/postponed due to weather, UIL rules state the game MUST be played on the next available day. Just wondering why the game is not being played today? The fields all should/could be prepared to play sometime Saturday.
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