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Everything posted by EASYNOW

  1. Well you can't win the lottery without buying a ticket.
  2. Well you can't win the lottery without buying a ticket.
  3. Good luck BC. I guess the HF ski trip doesn't look all that bad.
  4. I guess this is one of the things I was worried about...the "kick 'em while they're down" attitude. It's understandable, but at the same time, when you bring change, it should be as a motivational move, not as a "punishment" for struggling. I want the team to succeed, as a team, and not just see change for the sake of change. It requires a lot of maturity for a kid to say, "hey coach, I need to be moved in the line-up, I'm struggling here" or another to say "hey coach, can you put me into pitch as a reliever instead of a starter, I'm more comfortable that way." It also requires a straightforward, frank self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses. All this has to be accomplished in a short amount of time. The great thing is, if anyone can turn around this group, Griff can. I look for a great game on Friday. Nobody's kicking them will they are down...I just like to cut through all the BS. I guess I need to write more eloquently and you my friend are the best at that. I enjoy your posts.
  5. Somebody needs to man up and give out some stats for LCM. Pitching, fielding and hitting and if they are not up to par than a CHANGE is needed.
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