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Posts posted by HCSO5

  1. I agree, Raiders did get a good look at alot of kids last night. I think the underclassmen that Coach Credeur is looking at will provide some depth that we did not have last year.  Dont know why Akifan has such a sour attitude towards Lumberton anyhow? For a team that is looked at as a "flash in the pan" with fans  that are "dillusional" ,  there sure seem to be alot of haters...lol...Seems like everybody wants to trash us, but in back of their minds, they still worry about us...its all good....READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!
  2. Buddy our kids are trying, just dont believe in  bashing any team...Credit them for their effort, you wont find a harder working bunch of kids. As you well know..its about everything coming together at the right time, with the right kids.  WE did have playoff runs, and will have again. And yes with our school history, i believe that they were entitled to boast and brag after being down for so long.  Since Coach Credeur has been there, with the exception of last season, we have been competitive and have been a team to not overlook.  I just dislike it when people slam other teams here, especially when they have no affiliation with that team. The kids read these posts, just as you and i do. Dont bash them when they are out there busting their asses trying to get better...And that is just isnt  about Lumberton, but all of our teams in Southeast Texas. 
  3. Red and Blue, i do agree with you there.  I think that group (last season freshmen),  could be comparable to our playoff run teams. They have a good work ethic and all have great attitudes.  What is even better about that group is the parents. They are supportive, but not overbearing and not demanding "entitlements" as Raider 44 mentioned.  In my opinion, if the kids that are leaving because they or their parents arent getting what they think their kid should be getting, then let them go!..The primary key to this is that football is a "team" sport.  Not every kid on that field is gonna be a shining star, but each has an important role to play. If each kid on the field does his job, then the ENTIRE  team will stand out, not just one or two. As far as numbers go, i would rather have 11 kids playing that believe in the team aspect, playing their hearts out, rather than 45 out their worried about their personal stats and if they have on "cool equipment" so they look good in a photograph!

    As far as some coaches leaving, well thats gonna happen. I dont believe its because of the kids, the coaches just want to advance like anybody else, you cant blame them.  Raiderland things will get better. Every program has peaks and valleys. We've experienced some winning, and we are hungry for more, i get that. But understand that due to our enrollment, and the number of kids that put out the commitment to get back to winning, we will have some rebuilding years. We shouldnt be dogging the kids we have out there, lets get behind them, support them, and lets get POSITIVE again about Raider Football.

    Ok...i will hop off my soapbox now...have a good one everybody.
  4. Well in my opinion, any coach has to try and go with his strengths. The ideal situation for any program is to have balance between the running and passing game. We all know at the high school level its very difficult to be lucky enough to have an equally balanced  offense. It was apparent to me this year that Coach Credeur had to divert and go with where his strengths were and that was the running game.  With that, as a coach you have to go "all in" and hope that your strong points out weigh you weaknesses.  I think Coach Credeur is innovative in his thinking, and will adjust as needed.  And yes there are several variations of the T offense, and watching it this year on our side of the field, i do agree that there is so much you can run off of that style of offense. Throw in motion packages, misdirection, and a passing game, it can be a very difficult offense to try and defend.  I felt our kids picked up the new offense fairly well in a short amount of time. Granted it isnt a flashy as the spread, but it can be just as effective if you are limited in talent in certain areas of your offense...
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