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Everything posted by jnash6

  1. Oh come on. Of course every team is going to be looking at him. He is a lefty that throws low-mid 90's or something like that. I would draft him in a heartbeat if i was a major league team. He has a lot of potential and will probably be in the pros. But that Doesnt make him the best pitcher we have faced by any means. And him having his worse night pretty much means that we were able to hit him better than any other team he has faced. So ill take that as a compliment. And listen to my coach to much? I no what i saw. But it doesnt matter. That one event didnt cost us the game. Nothing the umpires did cost us the game. Just dont think Barbers Hill beat us. We beat ourselves. You cant make mistakes against a good team like BH and we did. Yes i said good team. I got a little carried away earlier. Barbers Hill is a good team. They will make the playoffs and will be tough to beat in the playoffs. Just hate to see people praise them as a god on here when a lot of them havent even seen them play a good team. But Im done with speaking of barbers hill. We will be ready to play them next time. It will be a good game. And just a refresher 21-4A took out all 3 of the top teams in what was called the best 4A district in texas last year. Maybe it is time to send some love over our ways.
  2. I play 3rd base for huffman. And we are not worried about where you rank us or anything like that. We just go play our game. And the people that see us play no how good we are. But everyone here that is so high and mighty about barbers hill needs a reality check. If you looked at the stat sheet from our game vs. them it will tell you that ross pitched a complete game, hit 93 on the gun, struck out around 8 or 9, and only gave up two hits. What you dont see is that the first two innings every out he recorded was a line drive right at somebody. And we had him on the ropes 2 or 3 times. Just a couple of mistakes and some TERRIBLE calls kept them ahead. Now i have never been a believer in people saying umpires cost us the game. We made some mistakes early. Matter of fact only about 2 of thier runs were earned. But when you run an early steal and the pitcher (Ross) just runs off the mound at the runner without ever stepping off the rubber and no balk is called.. As an umpire that means you suck. An Atlanta Braves scout was at our game and he said that Ross was just an average pitcher that just so happens to throw hard. If thats thier ace then they are gonna have their hands full with PNG, LCM, or whoever they play in that district. So come out and watch them sometime against a good team like us or crosby or even galena park before you give them all this respect they really havent earned yet.
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