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  1. No doubt about it, Coach Bean from LCM has done an outstanding job considering her last minute entry into the job. But having a "once in a lifetime" pitcher certainly helps!! :wink: Best of luck to the Lady Bears next weekend in Austin. But Coach of the Year?? Le'ts see what she does next year in a major rebuilding year w/o Cody, Harrell, Oldbury, Richards, etc., etc., etc. That's some major losses for any team! Same thing happened at PNG several years back when Blythe graduated and in Vidor when they graduated Bobbitt. Those two were also great pitchers for their respective schools. Vidor has struggled since. PNG, although has not won district since, still has winning seasons with just your normal pitchers. I think that says a lot about their program and their coach. Pitchers like Trahan, Blythe, and Bobbitt don't come down the pipe every year that's for sure..... Just an observation. .... Best of luck LCM! Have fun in Austin and bring home the Gold..... Maybe next year Miss Trahan can help LSU beat Arizona!!!! 8)
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