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Everything posted by rEdNecK89

  1. look in shallow coves and creeks where there is plenty of shade and cover. move in slowly so they wont spook (if you do spook them just be patient and not make a lot of noise, they will calm back down and you will have lots of fun) good luck!!!! just remember that this is my opinion and what works for me so dont be mad if it does not work. lol.
  2. toledo bend is hot on trot lines right now. my grandpaw caught 19 head that weighed 206 lbs. and had 2 or 3 over 40 lbs. He uses homemade stinkbait, live perch, and tiny catfish.
  3. also in Bridge City you can take your kids crabbin and they can also catch little croaker and black drum. maybe even a few reds. there are lots of spots like Baileys Road or closer by the Rainbow and Memorial Bridges to crab or fish off the bank
  4. there is also a canal that crosses HWY 87 goin towards deweyville. there is also a pond by club 87 through the woods but might need a four wheeler to get to. i like canals for perch fishin cause they are often overlooked by most people but lots of fun when you find a perch bed.
  5. in Mauriceville there is a canal that crosses FM1130 two or three times. i live in Mauriceville and i fish there all the time. nuttin real big but lots of perch, little bass, and mud cat. havent been in a few months but ive been seein lots of families out there fishin so i guess the fish are bitin.
  6. nah im just kiddin! ;D that would be nice though.
  7. who knows ??? maybe it will be a good thing? i havnt ever fished at the jetties but im bored so just thought i would shoot the bull with you guys. lol. ;D however i do fish sabine lake quite often!
  8. cant forget bout coach griffith over at LCM. great coach that knows and loves the game of baseball. he is my pic hands down!
  9. i agree that lcm in not on a sinkin ship. IMO they are just not playin as a team like they were earlier in the season. i think that they will regain their focus and start playin as a team. look for the bats to come back to life against nederland. its a big game and a must win for lcm. they need team leaders to step up and griff will have his team ready to play friday. anyways.......this post is bout vidor @ png. they are both playin well and good luck to both teams! this district is always fun to watch! anythin could happen!!!!!! dont know who will win this game but it will be a good one to watch. good luck to both!!!
  10. If you could go on a dream fishin trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you fish for?
  11. vidor was a big suprize last yr and nederland is knowed fer their winnin tradition. this is gunna be a good one. i like both teams. well coached, disciplined, and team work. good luck to both teams durin district and id like ta seem em both in the playoffs. i think ima go with nederland in a close one. this district is gunna be a race till the end!
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