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Everything posted by baseball2006

  1. Coach buffamonte did not coach Freshman or JV did he ? Go Raiders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. No disrespect to the LCM team of the 80's but............This is about Lumbertons 2006 Season. It is about a good group of boys with good parents. The boys were looking forward to a great season, with a new head coach who PROMISED them the moon. Coach buffamonte was hired to to help them with their skills AND we thought he would reinforce positive self esteem , but instead added to what had been taken away in the past. They were forced to watch a CIRCUS ACT everytime he stepped on the field. As for the parents, they are just standing up for their kids, !!! Parents who have had enough....... Until you have actually been "COACHED" by BRIAN buffamonte or know someone who has been by him, then you have no clue about what went on at the practices or games this year. BY THE WAY.... the majority of the complaining came from the kids who DID start !!!!!!!! To the 2006 Lumberton Raiders..... Good season guys, YOU had to deal with the cards YOU were dealt. Sorry for the Seniors. Underclassmen : BETTER LUCK next year. Hold your heads up HIGH .......
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