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Posts posted by Javelina

  1. Kountze 7th Grade 2-3 (2-2 district)


    Kountze 8th Grade 5-1 (4-0 district)


    Kountze 8th grade avg 28 points per game on offense and defense giving up 14 points per game on the season.

    In district the Offense averages 30 points and the Defense give up an average of 15 points per game.


    HARDIN-JEFFERSON    W 42 - 12

    CORRIGAN-CAMDEN      L   6 - 16

    KIRBYVILLE*                  W 27 - 8

    EAST CHAMBERS*        W 28 - 12

    HARDIN*                        W 26 - 24

    WARREN*                      W 40 - 16

  2. My point is Buna did a better job defensively than Kirbyville did against a common opponent, I gave your team the prompts on the offensive side

    Orangefield shot themselves in the foot against Buna. Turnovers plus 2 missed field goals. Then with time running out in 2nd quarter Orangefield was trying to call timeout to get field goal on but the refs would not acknowledge any of the OF coaches attempts to call timeout
  3. But they only beat Hardin by 2? Woodville's 8th grade beat the mess outta Hardin if I remember correctly. But I do remember their closest game as seventh graders last year was Kountze. And they do have a good little QB. Btw my brother plays for the 8th grade squad. That's why I seem so interested lol plus they're the best talent we've had in years.

    Kountze was missing a key lineman that plays both ways and is a defensive run stopper up the middle.  Yes the game last year as 7th graders between Woodville and Kountze was a good one and expect the same thing this year. 

  4. The 8th grade game was good, Hardin has a up and coming running back that runs strong and a DE that with a little more coaching could go far.  The 7th grade came out strong and scored on the 1st drive but not sure what happened after that except that the coaches might want to switch kids out more as going both ways at this age might be a little hard.  I know in a small school it is going to happen.  The 7th grade has the talent just think the coaches need to put a spark in them. So on to FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS if HARDIN can manage the clock and not exhaust the defence they should do good

    Hardins 8th grade running back is good.  Seemed like he was cramping a few times during the game and that seemed to hurt them.  I think these two 8th grade teams will be fun to watch over the next few years as they play each other.

  5. Do we have some talent down at the middle school?

    8th grade has a dual threat QB and a fast & powerful running back. They have one OL/DL player that is a great blocker and creates havoc on the DL. They have held their own this year since they have a year of the offense under their belt. They are currently 4-1 (3-0 in district). Only loss is a 16-6 loss to Corrigan
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