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  1. WWoooooowwww....... It is crazy to get on here and see what high school basketball does to people.LOL It's also sad to get on here and stoop to the levels of rating players and naming them. OMG, HJ flat out did the best job that they could do all season long. Being a player from HJ of course I know how it feels to play a team time and time again and get different results. After each game you wether its a win or a lost you go back to the gym and hit the drawing board, try to fix what is broke and try to dominate what isn't. Keep in mind that these boys met up 3 times before Saturday, so it would be an understandment to say that neither team was ready. They both were and oh yes Silsbee came to play and they came out with a victory, congrats to both teams on a season well played and job greatly done. Now on a more personal note.... I have to watch what I say because, I too am a coach, and a sister to one of the main players that has been openly discussed on this message board. For the grown men to get on here and talk that way is outrageous, do you not think that these kids get on here and read what's going and what's being said? To bring them down even further is selfish of you and down right rude, is it not enough that these kids have to deal with being ridiculed and critisizm on a daily basis, and then to have to get on here and deal with it more. Yes we are intitled to our own opinion but,gosh. And no I'm not just speaking out because it's my brother, I'm speaking on it because it sad. And to the lady that made the comment I aggree with you totally each player does know his or her duty is a player, and limiting yourself or your child to participating in only one thing is wrong. No grudges were held either way, it was a decision that was made, was the decision right or wrong who's to say only he knows and he is the only one who has to live with that and who is living with that decision. Anyone who has ever been a of something as great as basketball or any other sport for that matter should know what dedication is, heck even if you've never played sports. If academics was your thing, then you dedicated yourself to it, if you chose not to be on the debate team one year because you wanted to be a part of the science club lol then that was your decision.lol Come on don't make it out to be too personal, yes we all want our kids to be fit for the real world but, even in the real world players sit out from time to time for the dumbest reasons. More money being the main reason, heck there was a guy in the NFL that sat out 7years until he got the contract that he felt was good enough for him to play under, was it used against him? No they welcomed him back with open arms. So to say a grudge was held no it wasn't. And to answer the question to Lazeek which I'm sure will be on later, he didn't play his junior year because of another sport that he was pursuing. He was invited over seas to play football and decided that he would take the time to get his body together so that he could do so, and none the less to say he went out there and shined all over the field. So him not playing basketball did benifit him somewhere there is more to life than basketball.LOL Judge that if you will............. Again congrats boys on a great season go back and give them the business next year. And to Coach Sutherland, keep on doing what you're doing hands downs there isn't a coach in the Southeast Texas that can hold a light in the shade to you, great job!
  2. Don't really know what to say about it. Last night was just one of those "must see" type of games. Navasota was hands down the most athletic team I've seen all season, and it really wasn't that our boys had trouble with them, it was more like they weren't clicking with each other and weren't taking advantage of the other teams mistakes as they normally do. Truth be told most of H-J's weapons are on the bench and we all know it. (LOL) But it's a prediction that H-J will be back to the tournament and they are ready, most may say a win is a win. That's true better for them to have a bad game last night then Friday or Saturday. We are not called HAWKS for nothing, those boys have the wind under their wings and you just watch baby because, they are fixing to take flight.
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