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Posts posted by t_markum

  1. The team would love to have a new field, but its not going to happen.  Our softball team doesn't have a field at all, so they get a field first.  The parents have been working very hard to make all the improvements they can within the confiinements of what they have to work with.  Sometimes you just have to make the best of what you have.  At least the fences have been moved as far as possible and we do have lights!  We didn't even have that until 2003.

  2. Well fellows, the HR call was blown. And yes, I know it is very hard to may split decision calls. But there is a foul pole that sticks up a good 6ft above the 40 ft fence. The home plate umpire was a bit of a butt. But 2 runs didn't change the outcome of the game. OF played great and HF just waited toooo long to come back. But I am glad to see that fighting spirit and that it doesn't matter the score, it's not over till it's over.

  3. Your perception of my comment is here nor there, I was only asking a question.  I have never bashed anyone; only stated that I hope Coach Mahaffey will be dedicated to baseball as much as Coach Landry was.  I agree Coach Mahaffey is a great hire, just because questions are ask you give the impression that we are out to run him off.  That is nonsense, we only want to know more about the man, you don’t know if you don’t ask… Coach Mahaffey probably has more support than you can imagine and no-one has meet him yet!  Coach Mangan has done a terrific job, this 2nd year should be wonderful, its not just the coaching but the morale standards that he holds all the athletes and Coach’s to.   Being Responsible for you actions!  Again, no doubting, no bashing just wanting to know more details other than he is great, we assume he would be or he wouldn’t be at HF !  Go Horns!!!


    Thanks SportRus, We at HF agree!  Go Horns!!! ;D

  4. Sorry for being the “doubting Thomasâ€, everyone deserves the opportunity to prove their self and I will give Coach that chance.  Yes, the resume is great, I‘m not challenging that!  All I was asking was when was the last time he was the High School Baseball Coach. (just like an employer would want to know when the last time you worked in that position)  I’m not dissing Football, but just would like it… if his priority is Baseball like Landry’s was, it just sounds like HF wanted a Football Coach and baseball was secondary. 

    Yea, that's what I was talking about.

  5. Fisherking, you may very well be right.  Like I said, I know nothing about this guy.  Was not complaining, just asking questions.  I hope he is everything I've heard on this site about him.  We look forward to some great baseball in the future!!

  6. I don't know this coach and he may be great, but this was our concern from the get go is that the AD would go out and get a football guy and say 'oh yea, here's the baseball team too.'  Just wondering why we can't have a baseball guy for the baseball team.

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