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Everything posted by pro21

  1. man whats happening, he is a really good pitcher but it seems like he didnt have a great game last yeart in the semifinals either.
  2. JUST THOUGHT I WOULD THROW THIS OUT THERE. I FOUND THIS ON TEXASHIGHSCHOOLBASEBALLONLINE.COM. Belt got screwed! Obviously high school umpires arent the only people in baseball that screw you over. Brandon had made a pre-draft deal with the cubs that if had slid past the supplemental round of the draft he would scare off all the other teams with bonus demands so that he would slide down to the 5-9 rounds because the cubs didnt have a supplemental 2,3, or 4th round pick and they would give him supplemental round money. the cubs said they would pick him anywhere through the 5-9 rounds. This deal was approved by the general manager and the owner and was a guarantee that they would pick him. Belt slides down to the 11 round and the cubs havent picked him yet so the red sox take him and the deal is blown. the good news is that the red sox are offering more money than the cubs at this time but i think he said it is still supplemental money (700,000 - 1,000,000). anyways the point is that the belt family had a lot of faith in this deal and the cubs messed around and screwed it up. but hey if the red sox are willing to pay more (which it is not a done deal yet) than you cant be too mad. hope everything works out for my good friend.
  3. bc will hand it to them. just in case you havent seen yoe play they have one pitcher and a hitter that swings for the fences everytime. pitch angelle the first game and let them throw off it does not matter. their other pitchers would not have made the jv at any other school. looks like hudson looked past yoe and didnt play as they usually did. if they wouldve played them like they played huffman wouldve been run rules both times.
  4. bc will win this one easily.hudson shouldve won this series but was in a bad situation with the way the first game went. shouldve pitched belt the first game no matter what and then make kimbrel pitch the full 7 innings the second game and the series would have not gone that way. as for the way belt acted he wasnt going to get physical and he didnt point his finger, he said something to the ump on his way back to the dugout from his final at bat of his high school career. it looked like belt was going back on the field to shake hands after the game not to start back up on the umpires but who knows. everytime i have watched hudson play every single one of them have played with class especially belt. as for the radio announcer, how could he say anything about the situation when he had no idea what was going on. if you were there you would know why belt did what he did. career ended in a horrible way i feel sorry for the kid.
  5. i also say nederland in two. after beating a very good kilgore team montgomery should be know problem. heard is good but slows down as the game goes on.he does however get his curveball over for strikes.nevertheless ned wins the series.
  6. I think Belt is throwing a little bit better than he was in the summer, but he could have an off-game.
  7. i say hudson in 3 but it will be tough. hudsons number two is in the mid 80's with a nasty slider. when it comes down to it hudson just has a much better hitting team than huffman. does that mean that they will hit better this series,no, but i think they will.
  8. ive seen both teams play and since i have no affiliation with either team i can give my honest opinion. i feel hudson has a better team mainly because from what i saw hudson has a better hitting team than last year and bridge city seems as if they are down from last year as far as hitting goes. I know this is a little hard for yall to take in that bridge city can be beat but im not just saying hudson is better because i like them cause i dont even know any of them. i still think lindale will win it all however.by the way i saw the game last night and hudson hit the ball hard i dont think the errors were the reason they scored the ten runs, it was inevitable.
  9. Carthage didnt impress me much and they started their starters. probably not the number 2 team in the state.
  10. nothing just forget it im done with this, i will just have to wait till they get closer to my area to go watch them myself if that ever happens. i just thought somebody on here could help a brotha out.
  11. sounds like typical bc fans to me. what attitude do i have i just wanted to know, but dont tell me that is fine i am over it i prolly wont say anything anymore cause i know there is one team up here that can handle them. get your own damn sandwich mullet.
  12. ok. but to them there probably wont be anything wrong with their team. all i want is an honest answer and no team is perfect.
  13. im sure they are. you cant be the number one team without being pretty good. just wanted a brief scouting report but obviously that was too much to ask.
  14. ok thanks. since i couldnt get my other question answered, i thought maybe id try another one, and hey i finally got through to somebody. there is hope for this website after all.
  15. just curious how many scouts are at his games. dont take this out of context, im not saying a team from here has more, i just want to know.how often does a scout come to the games.
  16. i doubt you scout in my area and i am not going to go to that area to scout. if you dont want to tell me anything that is fine, im sure there are a couple of teams around here that could handle angelle and his cardinals.
  17. its obvious that im not going to get anything out of you mullet heads.
  18. i don't have a particular team but i am from the tyler area and i was curious about the top teams in 3a and 4a because those are the size schools in this area, and the top 3a team is in your area so i got on this website to find out what makes this team the number 1 team and if they have any weaknesses. just curious.
  19. they have to have some weaknesses, theyve lost 3 games. somebody has to have some info on this team. i know they are very good but there has to be something they are not especially great at. by the way who were their losses to.
  20. Can somebody please give me the strengths and weaknesses of this number 1 ranked team.
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