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Everything posted by DoubleG66

  1. Try this...Tell her Ricky Martine is doing the halftime show. Just befor the start of the third qtr., splash her face with cold water. Tell her she passed out when Ricky dedicated a song to her! Enjoy game! ****Disclaimer**** DoubleG66 is not a licensed relationship theropist and does not guarantee sucess of this method. By reading this disclaimer reader agrees to waive DoubleG66 from all liability that may result by atempting this unproven method, including but not exclusivly to: sleeping on the couch, walking home from game, lack of dinner for extended period of time, emergency room treatment for mace decontamination, cost of dozen roses and any rent expensives imposed by the dog for sleeping in its house for extended period of time.
  2. I think its great to see this kind of support! I was shocked looking across the field last friday night at the Smiley stands. There were less people in those stands than at any game Lumberton hosted all season...alot less...like,''Somebody forgot to tell somebody their team was playing", less. This crowd thats riding the L-Train has been amazing and should be comended. The most impressed I've been with the fans was at the PNG game. The L-Train came up seven cars short of winning...and still got a standing O from the fans...thats class guys. So if you see a blue and red cloud blowing in from Baytown Fridaynight...dont panic! just know you were right...we exploded!
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