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Everything posted by imacougar

  1. Dayton romped. Oh well. What's with A.J. Dugat now, he's noticeably bigger than last year. I know the A stands for Alanzo;
  2. Bronceos4ever, guess your fearless prediction ends tonight. The JV game does matter because these boys are better and they KNOW they can beat Dayton. They've tasted how sweet it is to beat one of the best teams, and they liked it. My prediction: Dayton fans will be seeing Red in their nightmares after the game tonight. Googs roll!
  3. Dayton must not be submitting the running stats to the Chronicle then because I see all pass and no run. Now, if you'd like to see balance, check out Crosby's offensive stats. 19 hours to kickoff.
  4. First, nobody on this thread cares a lick about Lumberton. Dayton can beat Lumberton 9 times out of 10. Crosby can do it 10 out of 10. Also, I think a few of you misunderstood my point the first time, so let me make myself perfectly clear. Crosby is the more talented team. Our biggest challenge is not letting the hype or psyche get to us. While we respect Dayton, we can't let their reputation be the 12th man. Our guys need to enter the game relaxed and confident, ready to fight fire with fire for 60 minutes, and if we do we win. Take it to the bank!! Here's a pop quiz: 1. What group of Crosby seniors beat Dayton's JV 2 years ago when they were sophomores? Clue: This one. 2. What's better, a one dimensional passing offense or a balanced running and passing attack? Clue: Balanced attack
  5. Dayton has a good program, and they are accustomed to winning. That's their biggest advantage. if the Coogs say screw that, then we win hands down. What they've done in the past does not matter, as long as the Coogs relax and treat this as another team and another 60 minutes of football, the Coogs beat any team. We beat Texas City earlier in a scrimmage, and we've beat everyone that has stepped foot on our turf. We lost 2 away games against Top 5 teams that we easily could've beat. Coogs win going away!! Take it to the bank.
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