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Posts posted by NHS83LU87

  1. Trust me, everytime he steps on the floor it means something to him. Tryouts, practice, or games. It doesnt matter.

    Theres some quality freshman bball players coming up with dionte, so he will definitley be surrounded with plenty of help for the next 4 years.

    NHS83LU87's freshman will be playing right along side Dionte for probably the next 3 seasons after this one, which will be a great combo to watch play. And no doubt Dionte will provide some immediate much needed help.

    I guess having a Junior and Freshman gave me way Scrap.  I would like nothing better than to see JP and Jacob on the floor together at some point next year if Jacob earns it.   Dionte and Jacob do provide some size for the future.  But let's worry with one season at a time.  It's going to be an exciting year!!!  Come out and watch the scrimmage against WOS Saturday on the new gymn floor.  Freshman starts at 1:30 PM.  I know the guys like the new floor.  I can understand why since I hated playing on the old floor back in the 80's.

    B-Dog Fan, I appreciate your opinion and position on the issue but it sounds to much like the start of baseball season last year.  If you're a true fan try not to stir the pot.  Players read these posts.

  2. I agree with you in principle B-Dog Fan and the timing of the article would have been better next Monday, but having a son who is a Jr. starter on that team, I look forward to seeing  Dionte benefit the team.  With Josh Dean injured, having another big guy will not hurt.  My youngest son is Freshman and will go through tryouts and maintain a positive attitude throughout regardless of what happens regarding other players.    

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