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Everything posted by Skilled95

  1. Yeah Cleveland beat Bridge City 2 years ago, and Orangefield beat Barbers Hill..
  2. You really don't make any sense, some people on here are just really dumb
  3. Oh lord now were talking about fans Just talk about Football please even though Shepherd will never be good in it
  4. Yeah I remember back in 1998 it was the last game of the season and we needed to beat Barbers Hill to make the playoffs. And he just took over the game and won it
  5. well yall Tarkington and Shepherd folks can wake up now cause Tarkington still haven't beaten Liberty. And Shepherd didn't beat Splendora
  6. Congrats. Well since Liberty didn't make I'll proably will see Dayton in the Playoffs. I think Dayton will split for the District with a win next week
  7. Hey yall Liberty is winning big. To bad Tarkington :P :P :P :P
  8. Liberty Panthers 1 Donald Douglas 2 Reggie White 3 Larry Haynes 4 Eddie Gants 5 Tony Bua 6 Anthony Chambers 7 Ricky Robinson 8 a QB last name Baranco back in the 90's 9 Brandon Clawson 10 Ronnie Mallet
  9. Yeah for the past years these are the results 1992 46-6 Liberty won 1993 44-13 Liberty won Bi-District Champs, Area Finalist 1994 45-9 Liberty won 1995 49-13 Liberty won Bi-District Finalist 2002 24-6 Liberty won Bi-District Champs, Area Finalist 2003 30-7 Liberty won 10-0 District Champs, Bi-District Finalist 2004 50-6 Liberty won Some one broke a record that game 109 yard block kicked...Also District Champs, Bi-District Champs and Are Finalist 2005 46-10 Liberty won 3 way tie for 2nd place didn't make the playoffs that year 2006 52-12 Liberty won Bi-District Finalist 2007 ???? we will see, but Tarkington never has beaten Liberty
  10. well I'm not from Orangefield
  11. you just said that good luck in gettin 6th...thats counting them out
  12. You are having a hard time distinguishing between what "should have happened" and what DID HAPPEN aren't ya. Way to go school pride. . .if your proud about winning in one sport. Well excuse me + tennis and golf!!! ( Had to dig deep for that one)
  13. I think Orangefield will get a spot in the playoffs this year. Helton, Granger, and Z Haynes are gonna lead the way
  14. Maybe Liberty will make the playoffs, but I think Cleveland and Splendora are gonna battle it out for the district title and Coldspring, Liberty, and Tarkington will fight for the 3rd spot
  15. Shepherd is not gonna win...Splendora will control the tempo on offense and I just don't see Shepherd winning. I really don't...if they do win these next two games do they make the playoffs
  16. Oh how bout you QUIT...Liberty beat Tarkington last year in Football, Golf, and Tennis...split with yall in Volleyball but should have beaten yall in the 3rd game...and what do you mean "Oh Scholar"
  17. Not so fast sweetheart...Dayton will win this ball game
  18. The season is not over yet. I say they beat Lumberton tommorow night everyone charge the field and take down the goal post...party at LCM tommorow night Whooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  19. he he he ha ha ha This is proably Lumberton's first time ever making the playoffs, and wait they might not make it if they lose these next two games...don't get your hopes up :o :o
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